Sri Ramakrishna’s Thoughts On Man World and God
This book brings together Sri Ramakrishna’s ideas on the three metaphysical concepts – God, man, and universe – and allied matters.There is an urgent need today to make an in – depth study of Sri Ramakrishna’s ideas, to discover his philosophy, and to present it in a systematic format. We hope this book will be helpful to those who wish to take up this challenging task. To the common reader, this book will be of immense value, for it brings together Sri Ramakrishna’s thoughts on a wide variety of subjects.The book is a set of essays originally published as editorials in the Vedanta Kesari in 1939. The material has been rearranged under suitable headings and subheadings are provided for easy reading.Author:Swami Tapasyananda |
Sri Ramakrishna – The Great Master
Sri Ramakrishna – The Great Master book is the most comprehensive, authentic and critical estimate of the life, sadhana and teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna. Swami Saradananda, a direct monastic desciple of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna, provides a detailed account of the daily life of Sri Ramakrishna and purpose of his advent. An attempt is made herein to present the reader the mental picture formed through hearing from various people a number of unrelated incidents from the Master’s life at that time.Author:Swami Saradananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Chennai Languages: English |
The Visions of Sri Ramakrishna
The Visions of Sri Ramakrishna is a collection of a number of super – sensuous experiences of the Great Master, more or less in the order of their occurrence in his life. We have at present several collections of the Master’s Teachings gathered from the extensive literature on him. The present work on his Visions is a similar attempt to bring together in a single volume many of the sublime experiences that made him the great Teacher that he was. Such a book is bound to be of immense help both to spiritual aspirants and to students of comparative mysticism.Author:Swami Yogeshananda |
Sri Ramakrishna Upanishad
The tales and parables of Sri Ramakrishna are retold in such an impressive and fascinating way that they at once attract the reader’s attention. Practical suggestions about how to lead a really spiritual life and solutions of various intricate problems concerning different religions have been presented in such a lucid and easy style that they will be interesting and beneficial to both young and old. Several writers have dealt in various ways with the life and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, the prophet of harmony of religions. But the Author has a unique method of presentation. Here he has retold the tales and parables of Sri Ramakrishna in such an impressive and fascinating way that they at once arrest the reader’s attention. Practical suggestions about how to lead a really spiritual life and solutions of various intricate problems concerning different religions have been presented in such a lucid and easy style that they will be interesting and beneficial to both young and old. Author:C. Rajagopalachari |
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
Complete conversations of Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886). With introductory biography, foreword by Aldous Huxley. 26 photographs. In the spiritual firmament, Sri Ramakrishna is a waxing crescent. Romain Rolland has described him as the fulfillment of the spiritual aspirations of the three hundred millions of Hindus for the last two thousand years. Mahatma Gandhi has written: “His life enables us to see God face to face. . . . Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of godliness.” Sri Ramakrishna is being recognized as a compeer of Krishna, Buddha, and Christ Author: Swami Nikhilananda |
Journeys with Sri Ramakrishna
Journeys with Sri Ramakrishna’ by Swami Prabhananda is a collection of the pilgrimages which Sri Ramakrishna made to various holy sites in India including Varanasi and Vrindavan. The description of the pilgrimages help to illumine the spiritual power and joy that was a part of the personality of Sri Ramakrishna.Author:Swami Prabhananda |
A Portrait of Sri Ramakrishna
This is an English translation of the book ‘Sri Ramakrishna Punthi’, which is the story of the divine play of Sri Ramakrishna with his devotees written in verse and one of the most authentic biographies of the Master. The author had the rare privilege of coming in direct contact with Sri Ramakrishna and was a witness to many episodes in the Master’s life. The importance of the book can also be judged by the fact that it received the blessings of Sri Sarada Devi and enthusiastic endorsement and encouragement of Swami Vivekananda.Author: Akshay Kumar Sen Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark
Languages:English, Bengali |
Companions and Followers of Ramakrishna
The book is based on the Bengali book ‘Sri Ramakrishna Parikrama’ by Kalijivan Devsharma and contains brief information about 1273 persons who were either companions or followers of Sri Ramakrishna. It will help readers who want to know more about the lesser-known characters who find mention in Sri Ramakrishna’s literature as well as tradition.Author: A Compilation Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English |
Photographs of Sri Ramakrishnai and Holy Mother
Author: Dr. Purba Sengupta Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Chennai Languages: English, Bengali |
Bangladeshe Sri Ramakrishna O Tar Parshadbrinda
Author: Swami Jnanaprakashananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Bhavsamahita Sri Ramakrishna
Author: Ramendranath Mallik Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
How to Live with God
This book reveals various facets of Sri Ramakrishna’s god-intoxicated life. Through Sri Ramakrishna’s life we find that God is not a myth; He is within us and around us. Sri Ramakrishna makes God-realization simple and easily accessible.People living outside India can purchase this book from centre at St. Louis, USA. Their website address is: Swami Chetanananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English |
Kathamrite Gita
An explanation of select verses from the Bhagavad Gita in the light of Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita and the writings of other saints and savants.Author: Bishwanath Das Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages:Bengali |
Author: Sanjeev Chattopadhyay Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Ramakrishna and His Disciples
Mr. Isherwood approaches Sri Ramakrishna with love and devotion, just like any Hindu, and at the same time, deals with his subject in the scientific spirit of a Western investigator.After Romain Rolland’s ‘The Life of Ramakrishna’, this is the most notable biography of Sri Ramakrishna by a Western admirer. – The Aryan Path People living outside India can purchase this book from Vedanta Press by following this link: Christopher Isherwood Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English |
Sri Ramakrishna and His Divine Play Translated by Swami Chetanananda
This is a new translation of ‘Sri Sri Ramakrishna Leelaprasanga’, the most authentic biography of Sri Ramakrishna, written by his disciple Swami Saradananda.Although this is not a book for the new student of Ramakrishna, it is highly recommended biography of this great saint. The translation is superb, far superior to the original English translation Ramakrishna: The Great Master. This source biography of Ramakrishna (1836-1886) is based on interviews with those who knew him. It is also an interpreted description of the entire range of Ramakrishna’s spiritual disciplines and experiences, explained as much as possible in terms of reason and common empirical experience, with reference to Hindu scriptures and spiritual traditions, western philosophy, Hindu psychology, and Western religious tradition. The setting is Northeast India from 1775 to 1836.
. . . for experienced meditators this book offers delightful and profound answers to deeper questions about traveling the spiritual path.
. . . for scholars this book offers the source biography for Ramakrishna’s life and teachings, as well as an authentic look into India’s spiritual history and its various religious and philosophical traditions.Author: Swami Saradananda Publisher: Foreign Publication Languages: English |
Sri Ramakrishna and Spiritual Renaissance
Everything was spiritual with Sri Ramakrishna. If the word ‘renaissance’ has anything to do with the awakening of the inner self of man from an abyss of darkness and ignorance, Sri Ramakrishna was indeed a harbinger of spiritual renaissance in the modern world. In this book the author has dwelt on Sri Ramakrishna’s life in relation to the spiritual renaissance which culminated in Him.Author: Swami Nirvedananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages:English, Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishna Leelaprasanga
Author: Swami Saradananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages:Hindi |
Sri Ramakrishna on Himself
Streams of multi-branched sadhanas found an appropriate confluence in Sri Ramakrishna and the extent and depth of his spiritual realizations beggar description. The ablest biographer may find it difficult to comprehend the evolution of the Master’s inmost self and episodes of his divine transformation. Therefore the story of his unique life is best told by himself. This book is an attempt to form an autobiography of Sri Ramakrishna from his utterances about his life.
Author: A Compilation Publisher: Advaita Ashrama languages: English |
Sri Ramakrishna Prasanga
Sri Ramakrishna had prophesized that his devotee Upendranath Mukhopadhyay would one day own a printing press. ‘Basumati’, the magazine that was a product of this press, was widely popular in its time and contributed in no small measure to the spread of Sri Ramakrishna’s teachings.This book consists of forty-two articles, twenty-one poems, three hymms and some miscellaneous essays complied from the ‘Basumati’.Author: A Compilation Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark
Languages: English |
Sri Ramakrishna Vachanamrita(The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (Royal))
Sri Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of Godliness. His sayings are not those of a mere learned man, but are pages from the book of life. Mahendranath Gupta has recorded his sublime utterances with stenographic precision. Therefore they are a beacon light to all who tread the spiritual path, to whichever race or religion they may belong.Author: Mahendranath Gupta Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages:English, Hindi, Bengali, Sanskrit |
Sri Ramakrishna: Chintane O Manane
An anthology of eighty-one articles and forty-two poems by monks, scholars, and devotees bringing to light various facets of Sri Ramakrishna’s diving personality.Author: Swami Ritananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishna: Myriad Facets
Thirty-two articles revealing various aspects of Sri Ramakrishna’s extraordinary personality and the significance of his advent.Author: A Compilation Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages: English |
Sri Ramakrishner Chikitsa O Chikitsak Prasanga
Doctors and physicians of Sri Ramakrishna.Author: Sanghamitra Chowdhury
Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages: Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita (Pocket) (Set of 5 Vols.)
Sri Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of Godliness. His sayings are not those of a mere learned man, but are pages from the book of life. Mahendranath Gupta has recorded his sublime utterances with stenographic precision. Therefore they are a beacon light to all who tread the spiritual path, to whichever race or religion they may belong. Even now Sri Ramakrisha is the silent force that is moulding the spiritual destiny of India. This book, the first of its kind, will surely help stricken humanity to come nearer to the Eternal verity of life.Author: Mahendranath Gupta
Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Narendrapur Languages: Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita (Red Letter Set)
Sri Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of Godliness. His sayings are not those of a mere learned man, but are pages from the book of life. Mahendranath Gupta has recorded his sublime utterances with stenographic precision. Therefore they are a beacon light to all who tread the spiritual path, to whichever race or religion they may belong. Even now Sri Ramakrisha is the silent force that is moulding the spiritual destiny of India. This book, the first of its kind, will surely help stricken humanity to come nearer to the Eternal verity of life.Author: Mahendranath Gupta
Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages:Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita Mahanirdeshika
Author: Dr. Jaladhi Kumar Sarkar Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita Prasanga (Vol.1)
For nearly a decade Swami Bhuteshananda, the 12th President of the Ramakrishna Order, devoted his weekly Bengali religious classes to discussions on Sri Ramakrishna and to the unique book, ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna’. His illuminating discussions brought out the thought-provoking deeper dimensions of the simple, homely utterances of the great prophet, and they helped the audience comprehend these simple sayings of the Great Master in the light of the ancient scriptures of India, specially the Vedanta, as well as modern thought. Not unoften, many abstruse concepts, many knotty philosophical questions and doubts of Vedanta metaphysics, were lucidly explained and resolved. These were later transcribed and eventually published in seven volumes of which this forms a part.Author: Swami Bhuteshananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita Prasanga (Vol.2)
For nearly a decade Swami Bhuteshananda, the 12th President of the Ramakrishna Order, devoted his weekly Bengali religious classes to discussions on Sri Ramakrishna and to the unique book, ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna’. His illuminating discussions brought out the thought-provoking deeper dimensions of the simple, homely utterances of the great prophet, and they helped the audience comprehend these simple sayings of the Great Master in the light of the ancient scriptures of India, specially the Vedanta, as well as modern thought. Not unoften, many abstruse concepts, many knotty philosophical questions and doubts of Vedanta metaphysics, were lucidly explained and resolved. These were later transcribed and eventually published in seven volumes of which this forms a part.Author: Swami Bhuteshananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita Prasanga (Vol.3)
For nearly a decade Swami Bhuteshananda, the 12th President of the Ramakrishna Order, devoted his weekly Bengali religious classes to discussions on Sri Ramakrishna and to the unique book, ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna’. His illuminating discussions brought out the thought-provoking deeper dimensions of the simple, homely utterances of the great prophet, and they helped the audience comprehend these simple sayings of the Great Master in the light of the ancient scriptures of India, specially the Vedanta, as well as modern thought. Not unoften, many abstruse concepts, many knotty philosophical questions and doubts of Vedanta metaphysics, were lucidly explained and resolved. These were later transcribed and eventually published in seven volumes of which this forms a part.Author: Swami Bhuteshananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita Prasanga (Vol.4)
For nearly a decade Swami Bhuteshananda, the 12th President of the Ramakrishna Order, devoted his weekly Bengali religious classes to discussions on Sri Ramakrishna and to the unique book, ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna’. His illuminating discussions brought out the thought-provoking deeper dimensions of the simple, homely utterances of the great prophet, and they helped the audience comprehend these simple sayings of the Great Master in the light of the ancient scriptures of India, specially the Vedanta, as well as modern thought. Not unoften, many abstruse concepts, many knotty philosophical questions and doubts of Vedanta metaphysics, were lucidly explained and resolved. These were later transcribed and eventually published in seven volumes of which this forms a part.Author: Swami Bhuteshananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita Prasanga (Vol.5)
For nearly a decade Swami Bhuteshananda, the 12th President of the Ramakrishna Order, devoted his weekly Bengali religious classes to discussions on Sri Ramakrishna and to the unique book, ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna’. His illuminating discussions brought out the thought-provoking deeper dimensions of the simple, homely utterances of the great prophet, and they helped the audience comprehend these simple sayings of the Great Master in the light of the ancient scriptures of India, specially the Vedanta, as well as modern thought. Not unoften, many abstruse concepts, many knotty philosophical questions and doubts of Vedanta metaphysics, were lucidly explained and resolved. These were later transcribed and eventually published in seven volumes of which this forms a part.Author: Swami Bhuteshananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita Prasanga (Vol.6)
For nearly a decade Swami Bhuteshananda, the 12th President of the Ramakrishna Order, devoted his weekly Bengali religious classes to discussions on Sri Ramakrishna and to the unique book, ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna’. His illuminating discussions brought out the thought-provoking deeper dimensions of the simple, homely utterances of the great prophet, and they helped the audience comprehend these simple sayings of the Great Master in the light of the ancient scriptures of India, specially the Vedanta, as well as modern thought. Not unoften, many abstruse concepts, many knotty philosophical questions and doubts of Vedanta metaphysics, were lucidly explained and resolved. These were later transcribed and eventually published in seven volumes of which this forms a part.Author: Swami Bhuteshananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita Prasanga (Vol.7)
For nearly a decade Swami Bhuteshananda, the 12th President of the Ramakrishna Order, devoted his weekly Bengali religious classes to discussions on Sri Ramakrishna and to the unique book, ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna’. His illuminating discussions brought out the thought-provoking deeper dimensions of the simple, homely utterances of the great prophet, and they helped the audience comprehend these simple sayings of the Great Master in the light of the ancient scriptures of India, specially the Vedanta, as well as modern thought. Not unoften, many abstruse concepts, many knotty philosophical questions and doubts of Vedanta metaphysics, were lucidly explained and resolved. These were later transcribed and eventually published in seven volumes of which this forms a part.Author: Swami Bhuteshananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita Prasanga (Set)
For nearly a decade Swami Bhuteshananda, the 12th President of the Ramakrishna Order, devoted his weekly Bengali religious classes to discussions on Sri Ramakrishna and to the unique book, ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna’. His illuminating discussions brought out the thought-provoking deeper dimensions of the simple, homely utterances of the great prophet, and they helped the audience comprehend these simple sayings of the Great Master in the light of the ancient scriptures of India, specially the Vedanta, as well as modern thought. Not unoften, many abstruse concepts, many knotty philosophical questions and doubts of Vedanta metaphysics, were lucidly explained and resolved. These were later transcribed and eventually published as these seven volumes.Author: Swami Bhuteshananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita Vol. 1
Sri Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of Godliness. His sayings are not those of a mere learned man, but are pages from the book of life. Mahendranath Gupta has recorded his sublime utterances with stenographic precision. Therefore they are a beacon light to all who tread the spiritual path, to whichever race or religion they may belong. Even now Sri Ramakrisha is the silent force that is moulding the spiritual destiny of India. This book, the first of its kind, will surely help stricken humanity to come nearer to the Eternal verity of life.Author: Mahendranath Gupta Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita Vol. 2
Sri Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of Godliness. His sayings are not those of a mere learned man, but are pages from the book of life. Mahendranath Gupta has recorded his sublime utterances with stenographic precision. Therefore they are a beacon light to all who tread the spiritual path, to whichever race or religion they may belong. Even now Sri Ramakrisha is the silent force that is moulding the spiritual destiny of India. This book, the first of its kind, will surely help stricken humanity to come nearer to the Eternal verity of life.Author: Mahendranath Gupta Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Leelaprasanga Vol. 1
Author: Swami Saradananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Leelaprasanga Vol. 2
Author: Swami Saradananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Punthi (A Portrait of Sri Ramakrishna )
This book, written in verse, is the story of the divine play of Sri Ramakrishna with his devotees and one of the most authentic biographies of the Master. The author had the rare privilege of coming in direct contact with Sri Ramakrishna and was a witness to many episodes in the Master’s life. The importance of the book can also be judged by the fact that it received the blessings of Sri Sarada Devi and enthusiastic endorsement and encouragement of Swami Vivekananda.Author: Akshay Kumar Sen
Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali, English |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita (Vol.1)
Sri Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of Godliness. His sayings are not those of a mere learned man, but are pages from the book of life. Mahendranath Gupta has recorded his sublime utterances with stenographic precision. Therefore they are a beacon light to all who tread the spiritual path, to whichever race or religion they may belong. Even now Sri Ramakrisha is the silent force that is moulding the spiritual destiny of India. This book, the first of its kind, will surely help stricken humanity to come nearer to the Eternal verity of life.Author: Mahendranath Gupta Publisher: Kathamrita Bhavan Languages: Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita (Vol.2)
Sri Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of Godliness. His sayings are not those of a mere learned man, but are pages from the book of life. Mahendranath Gupta has recorded his sublime utterances with stenographic precision. Therefore they are a beacon light to all who tread the spiritual path, to whichever race or religion they may belong. Even now Sri Ramakrisha is the silent force that is moulding the spiritual destiny of India. This book, the first of its kind, will surely help stricken humanity to come nearer to the Eternal verity of life.Author: Mahendranath Gupta Publisher: Kathamrita Bhavan Languages: Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita (Vol.3)
Sri Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of Godliness. His sayings are not those of a mere learned man, but are pages from the book of life. Mahendranath Gupta has recorded his sublime utterances with stenographic precision. Therefore they are a beacon light to all who tread the spiritual path, to whichever race or religion they may belong. Even now Sri Ramakrisha is the silent force that is moulding the spiritual destiny of India. This book, the first of its kind, will surely help stricken humanity to come nearer to the Eternal verity of life.Author: Mahendranath Gupta Publisher: Kathamrita Bhavan Languages: Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita (Vol.4)
Sri Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of Godliness. His sayings are not those of a mere learned man, but are pages from the book of life. Mahendranath Gupta has recorded his sublime utterances with stenographic precision. Therefore they are a beacon light to all who tread the spiritual path, to whichever race or religion they may belong. Even now Sri Ramakrisha is the silent force that is moulding the spiritual destiny of India. This book, the first of its kind, will surely help stricken humanity to come nearer to the Eternal verity of life.Author: Mahendranath Gupta Publisher: Kathamrita Bhavan Languages: Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita (Vol.5)
Sri Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of Godliness. His sayings are not those of a mere learned man, but are pages from the book of life. Mahendranath Gupta has recorded his sublime utterances with stenographic precision. Therefore they are a beacon light to all who tread the spiritual path, to whichever race or religion they may belong. Even now Sri Ramakrisha is the silent force that is moulding the spiritual destiny of India. This book, the first of its kind, will surely help stricken humanity to come nearer to the Eternal verity of life.Author: Mahendranath Gupta Publisher: Kathamrita Bhavan Languages: Bengali |
Sri Sri Ramakrisna Kathamrita (Set)
Sri Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of Godliness. His sayings are not those of a mere learned man, but are pages from the book of life. Mahendranath Gupta has recorded his sublime utterances with stenographic precision. Therefore they are a beacon light to all who tread the spiritual path, to whichever race or religion they may belong. Even now Sri Ramakrisha is the silent force that is moulding the spiritual destiny of India. This book, the first of its kind, will surely help stricken humanity to come nearer to the Eternal verity of life.Author: Mahendranath Gupta Publisher: Kathamrita Bhavan Languages: Bengali |
Studies on Sri Ramakrishna
The articles included in this book study Sri Ramakrishna and his message from different angles. It is a representative of how scholars have viewed Sri Ramakrishna’s message and its impact on society over the past fifty years or so.Author: A Compilation Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages: English |
Vedanta O Ramakrishna
A collection of forty articles dealing with different aspects of Sri Ramakrishna’s message, Indian philosophy, Hindu scriptures, and spiritual life.
Author: Swami Swahananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages: Bengali |
Vishwachetanay Sri Ramakrishna
Author: A Compilation Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Yugavatar Sri Ramakrishna
Author: Manadashankar Dasgupta Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Yugpurush Sri Ramakrishna
Author: A Compilation Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
The Life Story of Sri Ramakrishna
The life of Sri Ramakrishna is a marvellous spiritual journey leading to the fulfillment of spiritual aspirations of countless men and women. This life becomes more marvellous when it comes from the lips of people who were in close contact with him and whose lives changed because of his grace. This is the English rendering of the first biography of Sri Ramakrishna in Bengali titled Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsadeber Jivan Vrittanta by Ramachandra Datta.Author: Ramchandra Dutta
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English |
Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam With the Commentary of Sri Shankaracharya
Thousand names in praise of Vishnu. The names are given both individually (namavali) and continuously as hymn (stotra) in Sanskrit and transliteration. In a separate section, Shankara’s commentary is given in English translation along with each name. Also included are the introductory and concluding verses, plus the meditation on Vishnu, in Sanskrit, with transliteration, and English translation.Author: Swami Tapasyananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Chennai Languages: English |
Sri Ramakrishnadever Upadesh
Author: Sureshchandra Dutta Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishner Antyalila (Vol.1)
Author: Swami Prabhananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishner Antyalila (Vol.2)
Author: Swami Prabhananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishner Bhavadarsha
Author: Swami Bhuteshananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishner Sannidhye
Author: Swami Chetanananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Srimad Bhagavata Vol. 4
After the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita, the Srimad Bhagavata is one of the most authoritative of Indian scriptures. Complete text, verse by verse English translation, and elaborate introduction to each of the 4 volumes, notes on select topics, glossary of philosophic terms and general index.Author: Swami Tapasyananda
Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Chennai Languages: English |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsadever Jivan Vrittanta
Author: Ramchandra Dutta Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishna Lilakatha
Author: Dr. Shashankabhushan Bandyopadhyay Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Langugaes: Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishna Lilamrita
Author: Sri Narhar Ramchandra Paramjape Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: Hindi |
Sri Ramakrishna O Dakshineshwarer Manush About some lesser known devotees of Sri Ramakrishna
Sheds new light on the lives of some lesser known devotees of Sri Ramakrishna and their interactions with the Master.Author: Taditkumar Bandyopadhyay
Publisher: Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Languages: Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishna O Swami Vivekanander Darshanik Bhavana
The philosophy of world-teachers like Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda is reflected in their life and teachings. This book is an attempt to compile in one volume Sri Ramakrishna’s thoughts on philosophical problems which are elucidated by his great disciple, Swami Vivekananda.Author: Swami Bhajanananda
Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Belur Math Langauges: Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishna Vachanamrita Prasanga (Vol.1)
For nearly a decade Swami Bhuteshananda, the 12th President of the Ramakrishna Order, devoted his weekly Bengali religious classes to discussions on Sri Ramakrishna and to the unique book, ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna’. His illuminating discussions brought out the thought-provoking deeper dimensions of the simple, homely utterances of the great prophet, and they helped the audience comprehend these simple sayings of the Great Master in the light of the ancient scriptures of India, specially the Vedanta, as well as modern thought. Not unoften, many abstruse concepts, many knotty philosophical questions and doubts of Vedanta metaphysics, were lucidly explained and resolved. These were later transcribed and eventually published in seven volumes of which this forms a part.Author: Swami Bhuteshananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: Hindi |
Sri Ramakrishna Vachanamrita Prasanga (Vol.2)
Author: Swami Bhuteshananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: Hindi |
Sri Ramakrishna Vachanamrit Prasanga (Vol.3)
For nearly a decade Swami Bhuteshananda, the 12th President of the Ramakrishna Order, devoted his weekly Bengali religious classes to discussions on Sri Ramakrishna and to the unique book, ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna’. His illuminating discussions brought out the thought-provoking deeper dimensions of the simple, homely utterances of the great prophet, and they helped the audience comprehend these simple sayings of the Great Master in the light of the ancient scriptures of India, specially the Vedanta, as well as modern thought. Not unoften, many abstruse concepts, many knotty philosophical questions and doubts of Vedanta metaphysics, were lucidly explained and resolved. These were later transcribed and eventually published in seven volumes of which this forms a part.Author: Swami Bhuteshananda
Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: Hindi |
Sri Ramakrishna Vachanamrit Prasanga (Vol.4)
For nearly a decade Swami Bhuteshananda, the 12th President of the Ramakrishna Order, devoted his weekly Bengali religious classes to discussions on Sri Ramakrishna and to the unique book, ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna’. His illuminating discussions brought out the thought-provoking deeper dimensions of the simple, homely utterances of the great prophet, and they helped the audience comprehend these simple sayings of the Great Master in the light of the ancient scriptures of India, specially the Vedanta, as well as modern thought. Not unoften, many abstruse concepts, many knotty philosophical questions and doubts of Vedanta metaphysics, were lucidly explained and resolved. These were later transcribed and eventually published in seven volumes of which this forms a part.Author: Swami Bhuteshananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: Hindi |
Sri Ramakrishna Vachanamrita Sar
Author: A Compilation Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: Hindi |
Sri Ramakrishna Vani O Shastrapraman
This book draws parallels between Sri Ramakrishna’s teachings and the words of the scriptures. It thus serves as a commentary on the Master’s teachings and helps us to understand them better.Author: Kumarkrishna Nandi Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishna’s Religion
Religion for Sri Ramakrishna is not mere subservience to certain social customs and external observances but a process of inner growth known as spiritual development which enables man to overcome his limitations, solve the problems of life, and attain supreme fulfilment. The learned author’s approach is basically historical, and he traverses a vast territory of scholarly research, some parts of which have been hitherto unknown.Author: Prof. R. K. Dasgupta
Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages: English |
Sri Ramakrishna, Srima O Swamiji Prasanga
Nineteen articles on the life and teachings of the Holy Trio Author: Swami Mumukshananda
Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Some Inspiring Illustrations of Sri Ramakrishna Holy Mother & Swamiji and their love
The Upanishads declare that Brahman, the Ultimate Reality, is of the nature of Pure Bliss. Pure Bliss reveals itself through Pure or Selfless Love. Realized souls can therefore love others selflessly. Their lives convince us that selfless love is not simply an imagination of the fanciful mind. The present book gives us some illustrations of the selfless love of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda.Author: Swami Tathagatananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages: English |
Spiritual Sayings of Ramakrishna
Author: Swami Abhedananda Publisher: Vedanta Math, Kolkata Languages: English |
Sri Ramakrishna – In the Eyes of Brahmo and Christian Admirers
Author: Nanda Mukherjee Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages: English |
Sri Ramakrishna ki Antyalila
Author: Swami Prabhananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: Hindi |
Sri Ramakrishna An Introduction
Swami Vivekananda wrote to one of his disciples that the life of Sri Ramakrishna should be written in such a way that it should serve as an illustration of his teachings. This small book has been written particularly with the present-day reader in mind, and can be a good introduction to Sri Ramakrishna for the busy reader.
Author: Swami Sunirmalananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages: English |
Sri Ramakrishna Charit
Author: Khitishchandra Choudhury Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishna Dev
Author: Shashibhushan Ghosh Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishna in Today’s Violent World
Though violence has been a scar on the human consciousness from time immemorial, never has it assumed such scale, shape, and dimensions as in this age. It is only when a man is spiritually impoverished and is cut off from the source of his being – which is full of peace, love, and joy – that he becomes violent and cruel. In a relative perspective, to advocate non-violence means to help people grow spiritually.Sri Ramakrishna has special role to play in this context. Having practiced the spiritual disciplines laid down in major world religions, he himself became a living example of the spiritual unity of mankind and of Godhood. This book is aimed at understanding the role of Sri Ramakrishna in preventing and curing humanity of the disease of violence.Author: A Compilation Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Chennai Languages: English |
Sri Ramakrishna Kathita Bodh Kathayen
A collection of the parables of Sri Ramakrishna. These are drawn from everyday life of the people around him. Some are also based on Puranic stories. Their genius lies in their conveying profound spiritual truths in a lucid and often humorous way and they bear witness to the Master’s consummate wit and keen observation.Author: A Compilation
Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: Hindi |
Sri Ramakrishna ki Jivani
This is a Hindi translation of the book ‘The Life of Sri Ramakrishna’ by Romain Rolland.Author: Romain Rolland
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English, Hindi |
Amritarup Sri Ramakrishna
A collection of articles on Sri Ramakrishna. The author, after years of research, makes available to us in this volume many hitherto unknown facts about the Master’s life.
Author: Swami Prabhananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Amritavani Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna
Author: A Compilation Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: Hindi |
Anandarup Sri Ramakrishna
Sri Ramakrishna, was, as if, divine bliss personified. His unique attraction left nobody untouched. He has shown all mankind how to reach the ocean of immortality and bliss and be blessed forever. The book contains eighteen articles on Sri Ramakrishna, examining his hitherto lesser known facets.Author: Swami Prabhananda
Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Avataravarishta Anudhyan
Author: Shantipada Gangopadhyay Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
First Meetings with Sri Ramakrishna
When people met Sri Ramakrishna for the first time, he responded to them in different ways, according to their inner nature. This carefully researched book gives us a glimpse of the meetings as well as the events in people’s lives that led up to the meetings.Author: Swami Prabhananda
Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Chennai Languages: English |
Great Thinkers on Ramakrishna-Vivekananda
Ramakrishna and Vivekananda are above all barriers of race and creed. Their concern is for mankind as a whole, for to them it is one in spite of its many superficial divisions. This book contains tributes to these two great teachers from savants across the world.Author: Swami Lokeswarananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark
Languages: English |
Images of Divinity Sri Ramakrishna’s reverence for women
We find revealed in Sri Ramakrishna’s life and attitude a bedrock of respect for women that rests on the reality of every individual woman as one with the Absolute. Women were recognized as the Divine Mother, as being worthy of the highest spiritual teachings, as partners in a great mission. His life is a testimony to the value and power of the feminine.Author: Ann Myren Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English |
More About Ramakrishna
All the great personages of the past, who have left an indelible mark on the trail of events in the history of mankind, become a centre around which gathers, with the passage of time, a mass of legends and myths. These, more often than not, are later assumed to be facts that cannot be verified. The historicity of many of these legends begins to be questioned then, be they related to the life of a Christ, a Buddha or a Moses. Sri Ramakrishna, the latest in the line of these Great Masters, is an exception to this historical dilemma, as he appeared just a century ago. Even today researches succeed in discovering hitherto unknown truths about him, and these can be easily verified. The author of this book has brought to light some fresh findings on Sri Ramakrishna that will be extremely interesting for all his devotees and admirers.Author: Swami Prabhananda
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English |
Nijamukhe Sri Ramakrishner Jivan O Upalabdhi
Author: Abhaya Dasgupta Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages: Bengali |
Paramahamsa Charit
Author: Swami Vijnanananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: Hindi |
A Short Life of Sri Ramakrishna
Sri Ramakrishna’s life is a life of spirituality in practice, a sublime sonnet with a singular note of God consciousness, a summary of all that the scriptures of the world have to say, and even much more. To contain such a boundless life and personality within a few pages is certainly as audacious a task as to attempt to contain the ocean in a pot. Yet this book humbly attempts to portray his life and personality in a clear and candid style.Author: Swami Tejasananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English, Hindi |
Sri Ramakrishna: God of All
Six thought-provoking essays on Sri Ramakrishna, which will help the readers comprehend more deeply his sublime life and profound teachings.
Author: Swami Atmasthananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English, Bengali |
Jitne Mat Utne Path Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda
Author: A Compilation Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: Hindi |
Kalpataru Sri Ramakrishna
Author: Swami Chetanananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Some essays on Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda.Author: Somnath Bhattacharjee
Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Prayojak Sri Ramakrishna
Author: Naliniranjan Chattopadhyay Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Quiz on Sri Sri Ramakrishna Dev
Author: Swami Vaikunthananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sabar Thakur Sri Ramakrishna
A short life of Sri Ramakrishna Author: Unknown Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages: Bengali |
Samanvayacharya Sri Ramakrishna
A collection of articles on Sri Ramakrishna.Author: Swami Atmasthananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: Hindi |
Sri Ramakrishna
Author: Pravrajika Muktiprana Publisher: Sri Sarada Math, Dakshineswar Languages: Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishna Bhavdhara
A collection of articles on Sri Ramakrishna, the monastic order founded in His name, and the foremost of his disciples, Swami Vivekananda.
Author: Swami Brahmeshananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: Hindi |
Sri Ramakrishna Karnamritam
Sri Ramakrishna Karnamritam is a devotional poem and a new addition to the existing list of ‘Karnamritas’ in Sanskrit hymnology.
The book contains the original Sanskrit text and its English translation.Author: Ottur Bala Bhatta
Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Chennai Languages: English |
Sri Ramakrishna Jivani
Author: Swami Tejasananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishna Ke Divya Darshan
This is a Hindi translation of the book ‘The Visions of Sri Ramakrishna’.Author: Swami Yogeshananda
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: Hindi, English |
Sri Ramakrishna ki Jivangatha
This is a short life of Sri Ramakrishna.Author: Swami Premeshananda
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: Hindi, Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishna Mahima
Author: Akshay Kumar Sen Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: Hindi, Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishna O Ranger Gamla
Author: Swami Satprabhananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishna O Yuga Dharma
Author: Swami Bhuteshananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Worship of Sri Ramakrishna
This book details the daily worship that is being performed in the shrines of the Ramakrishna Order all over the world. This will also help devotees who want to worship Sri Ramakrishna in their own homes.Author: Swami Atmapriyananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Chennai Languages: English, Hindi, Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishna: Manush Na Bhagavan
Author: Dr. Jaladhi Kumar Sarkar Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Sri Ramakrishna: The Symbol of Harmony of Religions
Author: Hossainur Rahman Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages: English |
Sri Ramakrishner Ashtangik Marg
Author: Swami Purnatmananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata |
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Punthi (prose) In Prose
A prose rendering of ‘Sri Sri Ramakrishna Punthi’.Author: Akshay Kumar Sen
Publisher: Sri Sarada Math, Dakshineswar Languages: Bengali |
Vandi Tomay
Author: Swami Shraddhananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata |
Yugavatar Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa
Life and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna.Author: Homlal Shresth Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: Nepali |
Vartaman Yug O Sri Ramakrishna Bhavdhara
Author: Swami Gambhirananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Words of the Master
Author: Swami Brahmananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: English, Bengali (188) |
Sri Ramakrishna: The Great Prophet of Harmony
This book consists of articles by Sri Ramakrishna’s disciples as well as by his contemporaries; several articles by his Eastern and Western admirers Monks of the Order leading men of letters National leaders philosophers statesmen and other eminent persons each well known in his respective field. All the contributors have the same aim in view studying the unique life and message of Sri Ramakrishna and paying their humble homage to this child of the Divine Mother. This is a book presenting Sri Ramakrishna as viewed by persons from different streams of life and hence portraying him in different shades and profiles.Author: A Compilation Language: English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Kolkata |
Sri Ramakrishna: The Personification of Gods and Goddesses
According to Sri Ramakrishna ‘There is only one Rama and He has a thousand names’. To restate Sri Ramakrishna’s words, ‘There is only one Ramakrishna and He has a thousand names’.’In other words, Sri Ramakrishna’ is ‘Sarva Deva Devi Swarupa,’ the personification of all gods and goddesses. Swami Vivekananda has said: ‘Sri Ramakrishna was the embodiment of infinite ideas… He is the embodiment of infinite spiritual ideas capable of development in infinite ways. Even if one can find a limit to the knowledge of Brahman, one cannot measure the unfathomable depths of the Master’s mind’.Author: Rasipuram Ramabadran (Forward by Swami Tapasyananda) Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai |
Sri Ramakrishna A Prophet for the New Age
The story of Sri Ramakrishna’s life is as moving as are is teachings. The great Hindu Bengali Saint spent a lifetime seeking spiritual enlightenment, beginning in his childhood with a mystical encounter he experienced at the age of six. During his life he would go on to be acknowledged as a great spiritual Master and his teachings and techniques would earn him a following of devoted disciples. Today, slightly more than a century since his death, those teachings have spread far from his home, inspiring countless others, and his message of mankind’s deep spiritual unity remains one of critical importance to the well – being of our world.Sri Ramakrishna: A Prophet for the New Age is a compact, accessible biography, and the first treatment of Ramakrishna’s life to emphasize the practical applications of his teachings. Richard Stiffman’s compelling portrait chronicles Ramakrishna’s short but transcendent life.Author: Richard Schiffman Language: English Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Golpark |
Tales and Parables of Sri Ramakrishna
Tales and Parables occupy a most important place in the teachings of the saints and seers as the allegorical method of presentation, an effective way of religious instruction.Their genius lies in their conveying profound spiritual truths in a lucid and often humorous way. They bear witness to the Master’s consummate wit and keenness of observation. Many of his parables are drawn from ordinary domestic and social life, customary with the people who lived arround him. Thus, this collection of the parables published for the first time in separate book form will be of service to all who wish to get some acquaintance with the fundamentals of spiritual life through the interesting medium of parables and stories.
Author: A Compilation Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (Deluxe Edition)
Sri Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of Godliness. His sayings are not those of a mere learned man, but are pages from the book of life. Mahendranath Gupta has recorded his sublime utterances with stenographic precision. Therefore they are a beacon light to all who tread the spiritual path, to whichever race or religion they may belong.Author: Swami Nikhilananda Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (Royal Edition)
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna is the English translation of the Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita, the conversations of Sri Ramakrishna with his disciples, devotees, and visitors, recorded by Mahendranath Gupta, one of intimate disciples of Sri Ramakrishna who wrote the book (under pseudonym of “M”) originally in Bengali language.Author: Mahendranath Gupta English Translation by: Swami Nikhilananda Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (Red letter)
Sri Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of Godliness. His sayings are not those of a mere learned man, but are pages from the book of life. Mahendranath Gupta has recorded his sublime utterances with stenographic precision. Therefore they are a beacon light to all who tread the spiritual path, to whichever race or religion they may belong.The present edition has Sri Ramakrishna’s words in red – letter type, thus providing the reader and immediate view of the Master’s own words.
Author: Mahendranath Gupta English Translation by: Swami Nikhilananda Language: English
Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
Ramakrishna: Life and Sayings
The importance of this edition lies in its being the first book on Sri Ramakrishna written by a foreign contemporary. Author: Max Muller Language: English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata |
Ramakrishna as We Saw Him
The devotees and admirers of Sri Ramakrishna who would like to know more about his daily life and as to how he was seen by his relatives and friends, people of other faiths, leaders of contemporary society, and by the common people of his time, will find this book to be of great value. It is an impressive collection of accounts and reminiscences of Sri Ramakrishna by his disciples, relatives, friends, and acquaintances. They have described, often in intimate detail, some of the lesser – known aspects of Sri Ramakrishna’s God – intoxicated life. This book will bring the reader closer to one who has been aptly described as a great spiritual phenomenon of our time.Author: Swami Chetanananda Language: English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata |
The Light of The Modern World
According to Swami Vivekananda,” With the birth of Sri Ramakrishna the Golden Age has begun.” But today, such an assertion may appear preposterous, with no sign of such a beginning visible. Who was Sri Ramakrishna? What was the purpose of his advent? Did he bring about a silent revolution, unseen on the surface? This book skilfully deals with these issues, taking for its subject the Avatarahood of Sri Ramakrishna and its universal significance. In the course of his discussion the author presents the different facets of an Avatara and the universal relevance of his message.Author: Swami Bhajanananda Language: English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata |
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna Vol – 1
Sri Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of Godliness. His sayings are not those of a mere learned man, but are pages from the book of life. Mahendranath Gupta has recorded his sublime utterances with stenographic precision. Therefore they are a beacon light to all who tread the spiritual path, to whichever race or religion they may belong.Author: Mahendranath Gupta English Translation by: Swami Nikhilananda Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna Vol – 2
Sri Ramakrishna was a living embodiment of Godliness. His sayings are not those of a mere learned man, but are pages from the book of life. Mahendranath Gupta has recorded his sublime utterances with stenographic precision. Therefore they are a beacon light to all who tread the spiritual path, to whichever race or religion they may belong.Author: Mahendranath Gupta English Translation by: Swami Nikhilananda Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
Ramakrishna and His Message
The reminiscences and profound reflections of Swami Vivekananda concerning his beloved Master are scattered throughout the nine volumes of his Complete Works. To bring them together in one place, as has been done in this book, obviously serves a real need. Swami Vivekananda was the foremost among the disciples of Sri Ramakrishna, and what he said about his Master is of great importance, and hence the great value of this book.Author: Swami Vivekananda Language: English
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata |
Sri Ramakrishna’s heart is like an ocean in which the universe floats like an island. Awed by the infinite expanse around us, we in the universe constantly try to fathom this personality – each one of us in his or her own way. But each persons perception is unique, as is the knowledge we obtain thereby. This book is one such humble attempt to comprehend this supreme reality. The essays contained here were originally published in the January 2011 issue of the English journal Prabuddha Bharata.Author: A Compilation Language: English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama, kolkata |
Holy Trio and Their Mission
The present book attempts to present the lives and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi, his divine consort, Swami Vivekananda, his chief disciple, his monastic disciples as also some of his lay and women disciples. A comprehensive treatment of the divine mission of Sri Ramakrishna’s life too is dwelt upon.Direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna by Swami Bhajanananda, one of the Assistant Secretaries of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. Originally meant for Belur Math website (, these essays place the subject quite contextually. Narrated in a lucid style, the book also has additional matter from other writings of the author. Author: Swami Bhajanananda Language:English, Tamil Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
Sri Ramakrishna and His Gospel – Volume 1
For nearly a decade Swami Bhuteshananda, the 12th President of the Ramakrishna Order, devoted his weekly Bengali religious classes to discussions on Sri Ramakrishna and to the unique book, ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna’. His illuminating discussions brought out the thought-provoking deeper dimensions of the simple, homely utterances of the great prophet, and they helped the audience comprehend these simple sayings of the Great Master in the light of the ancient scriptures of India, specially the Vedanta, as well as modern thought. Not unoften, many abstruse concepts, many knotty philosophical questions and doubts of Vedanta metaphysics, were lucidly explained and resolved. These were later transcribed and eventually published in a seven – volume Bengali work, ‘Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita Prasanga’. The present work is an English translation of the first three volumes of the original Bengali book.Author: Swami Bhuteshananda Language: English,Bengali Publisher: Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata |
Sri Ramakrishna and His Gospel – Volume 2
For nearly a decade Swami Bhuteshananda, the 12th President of the Ramakrishna Order, devoted his weekly Bengali religious classes to discussions on Sri Ramakrishna and to the unique book, ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna’. His illuminating discussions brought out the thought – provoking deeper dimensions of the simple, homely utterances of the great prophet, and they helped the audience comprehend these simple sayings of the Great Master in the light of the ancient scriptures of India, specially the Vedanta, as well as modern thought. Not unoften, many abstruse concepts, many knotty philosophical questions and doubts of Vedanta metaphysics, were lucidly explained and resolved. These were later transcribed and eventually published in a seven – volume Bengali work, ‘Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita Prasanga’. The present work is an English translation of the first three volumes of the original Bengali book.Author:Swami Bhuteshananda Language:English
Publisher:Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata |
Ramakrishna’s message to humanity is found in his words which were recorded by his disciple M.,and later published in book form as the ‘Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita’ in Bengali. This was later translated into English as ‘The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna’.Swami Lokeswarananda’s lucid commentary is a wealth of information concerning Sri Ramakrishna, his disciples, and Indian spirituality as a whole. ‘The Way to God: as Taught by Sri Ramakrishna’ offers inspiration and practical guidance to spiritual aspirants of all religious persuasions.Author: Swami Lokeswarananda Language: English Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Golpark, Kolkata |
The Life of Ramakrishna (Romain Rolland)
A fascinating and unvarnished account of the life of the greatest prophet of the modern age by one of the masterminds of the West; a critical appreciation of the finest flower of Indian culture; also a masterpiece of literary art enriched with a wealth of detail.Author: Romain Rolland Language: English,Hindi Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Kolkata |
Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna
The phenomenon called Sri Ramakrishna was the other name for God – consciousness. Like bread soaked in sugar syrup he was one who was permeated out-and-out with God-consciousness. Obviously, it’s no wonder that his teachings should cover the entire gamut of spiritual and religious life. This book is a classified and comprehensive collection of his wonderful sayings and parables. Needless to say, this book will be vade mecum for all those who are religious minded and are engaged in spiritual practices eager to have communion with God.Author: Swami Tejasananda Language: English
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Kolkata |
Sri Ramakrishna and His Unique Message
This book is an attempt to elucidate the unique message of Sri Ramakrishna in all its aspects, indicate its significance and its place in Indian religious literature, and suggest ways and means for its practical application. And in showing how he gained his priceless spiritual treasures, the book also briefly tells the story of his soul’s journey through sea after sea of the shoreless and uncharted deep in search of all its pearls, which he later threaded into the most beautiful rosary. Author:Swami Ghanananda Language: English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata |
The Wonder That is Sri Ramakrishna
This book The Wonder that is Sri Ramakrishna is an English translation of the original work Sri Sri Ramakrishna – Mahima in Bengali by Akshay Kumar Sen, a householder disciple of Sri Ramakrishna.Author: Swami Bhaskarananda Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
My Master
Throughout his spiritual ministration in the West, Swami Vivekananda mainly spread the message of the Universal Religion of Vedanta. Only on two occasions did he speak about his Master, Sri Ramakrishna; and that was at New York and England. This book comprises both the lectures combined under the present title. It contains the outpouring of a devout heart deeply stirred by the very name of his Master.Author: Swami Vivekananda Language: English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata |
Sri Ramakrishna as I Saw Him
The advent of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa represents the dawn of a new age in India who has been a magnet drawing human souls unto him both while alive on earth and after his passing. The man who comprehened him in entirely, by rising to his own height of effulgence, was none other than Swami Vivekananda, his foremost disciple, co-partner and heir. In the present book, ‘Sri Ramakrishna As I Saw Him’, we can find a full picture of Sri Ramakrishna in Vivekananda’s own words and all his utterances on Sri Ramakrishna.Author: Swami Vivekananda Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
Celebrating Shri Ramakrishna
Essays for the 175th birth anniversary of Shri Ramakrishna.Author: Swami Tathagatananda Language: English
Publisher: Vedanta Society of New York |
Rama and Krishna as Ramakrishna
This book is based on the Sri Ramakrishna’s statement to Narendra, “He who was Rama and Krishna is now, in this body, Ramakrishna – but not in your Vedantic sense” and the uniformity of divine qualities exhibited by the incarnations. It throws light on how Sri Ramakrishna exhibited the divine qualities that are similar to His earlier avatar of Rama and Krishna. Author: Dr K.Subrahmanyam Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai |
Ramakrishna: A Biography in Pictures
Printed on art paper, this album narrates the wonderful life of the great Master through pictures of places and persons connected with him. The narration and quotation accompanying each photograph give relevance and continuity to this unique and informative book.Author: Swami Smaranananda & Swami Chetanananda Language: English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata |
The Light Divine Life and Philosophy of Ramakrishna
A scholar writes a book putting into it all the knowledge he has acquired over a lifetime. However other scholars generally endowed with the what does he know psychology refuse to go through it.The bestseller variety of (modern) books soon go out of print at and rarely see the light of the day again.This book certainly does not belong to either of the categories. It is just an ordinary work meant for the ordinary devotees but aimed at rousing their curiosity to know more about an extraordinary person (i.e. Sri Ramakrishna).Author: Swami Harshananda Language: English
Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Bangalore |
Life of Sri Ramakrishna (Foreword By M. Gandhi)
The story of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’s life is a story of religion in practice. His life enables us to see God face to face. No one can read the story of his life without being convinced that God alone is real and that all else is an illusion. Author: Swami Nikhilananda Language: English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama, Kolkatai |
Sri Ramakrishna – A Pictorial
A small booklet containing the story of Sri Ramakrishna helpful for children.Author: A Compilation Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
Life and Teachings of the Holy Trio (Gift Pack)
Life and Teachings of the Holy Trio (Gift Pack ): A set of 3 Books
1.Sri Ramakrishna Life and Teachings
2.Sri Sarada Devi The Holy Mother Life and Teachings
3.Swami Vivekananda His Life and Legacy
Author: A Compilation Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
Gems of Gospel (Pocket)
Gems of Gospel is compilation of Sri Ramakrishna’s teachings (exactly in his own words) from The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna Originally recorded in Bengali By M. (Mahendranath Gupta) Known as “Master Mahashay” a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Translated in English By Swami Nikhilananda in 1942. Gems of Gospel are primarily intended as a reference guide to those who worship The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna as a scripture, if not more, at least equivalent to Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Ramayan and Mahabharata. Almost all sermons of the Great Master have been reproduced herein. The reader may refer to The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna( Page no. are given after each Saying) in elaborating some of the concepts reproduced, in order to understand the significance and deep meaning and reference to context in which Sri Ramakrishna gave these GEMS, of Immense value, to this world for our day to day life in this kaliyuga.Author: A Compilation Language: Tamil Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Mumbai |
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (Abridged Edition)
Conversations of Sri Ramakrishna with his disciples and devotees. Accurately and vividly recorded by M., Mahendranath Gupta. This is a direct source of the message and spiritual teachings of Master.Author: Mahendranath Gupta English Translation by: Swami Nikhilananda Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
Flashes from Sri Ramakrishna
This small booklet contains some of selected teachings of Sri Ramakrishna.Author: A Compilation Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
Thoughts of Peace and Holiness
Sri Ramakrishna’s teachings are an eternal wellspring of wisdom and solace. He spoke in a homely language from what he himself had practised and experienced, using illustrations from daily life and drove his point straight to heart. The aim of this booklet is to present a collection of his inspiring sayings which one can carry around even while traveling or read them while waiting at a queue or just to introduce one to Sri Ramakrishna’s timeless wisdom.Author: A Compilation
Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
The Message of Ramakrishna
This handy booklet is a compilation from the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna.Author: A Compilation Language: English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Kolkata |
The Story of Ramakrishna Mission
This book narrates the story of the Ramakrishna Mission. At the dawn of the third Millennium, the Ramakrishna Mission reviews the story of its 109 years of loving service to humanity, or, in the words of Swami Vivekananda, service to that God who by the ignorant is called man. The book is divided into four parts under the titles: Sources of Inspiration, Historical Perspectives, Contributions of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, and Ideological Perspectives.
Author: Swami Tejasananda Language: English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Kolkata |
The Early History of the Ramakrishna Movement
The present humble work is an honest attempt to briefly study how Sri Ramakrishna’s mission proceeded particularly during its early years towards fulfillment and in the process how The Ramakrishna Movement grew and developed in the early days. One charming feature of the book is the number of photos, illustrations and maps which explain the texts. This book will surely become the authoriatative source book for anyone doing research on the Ramakrishna Movement.Author: Swami Prabhananda Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
Ramakrishna Mission: A Saga of Service
More than a hundred years have gone by since the Ramakrishna Mission’s saga of service began in May 1897 and a hundred and one years have rolled by since its formal registration in May 1909. This is the commemorative volume published on the occasion of the centenary of this great event and aims to delineate the ideal and the activities of the Ramakrishna Mission in brief. Printed in four colour on high quality art paper with many colour photographs.Author: A Compilation Language: English Publisher: Udbodhan Office Kolkata |
The Charm of Mayavati Ashrama
The Advaita Ashrama at Mayavati, came into existence in March 1899 and has steadily continued to abide by the directions given by Swamiji. The Ashrama was nourished by the pioneers, Swami Swarupananda and the Seviers – the godly couple who have become immortal for their extraordinary lives and adherence to the lofty principles of Advaita. The story of Mayavati Ashrama is replete with interesting incidents and anecdotes from the lives of monastics and dedicated devotees who sacrificed their all in answer to Swami Vivekananda’s call.There was a long felt need to introduce the lives and ideas so intricately connected with the Mayavati Ashrama to all its admirers, and this book hopes to serve this purpose.
Author: A compilation Language: English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Kolkata |
The Genesis of Ramakrishna Order Baranagore Math
The Baranagore Math is the first Math of the Ramakrishna Order. Soon after the Mahasamadhi of Sri Ramakrishna)at Cossi-pore, it was here that the first Math was given a concrete form. It was here again that Swamiji and his brother disciples performed the formal Viraja Homa to take the vow of Sannyasa and thus gave A11’Actual shape to the resolutions made at Antpur. Their intense austerities, severe Sadhana and deep scriptural studies undertaken in the Baranagore monastery for man illuminating chapter in the history of the Order. Their love for. one another that grew here forged an incomparable bond of brotherhood. They girded up their loins here for the great Seva- Vajns that was to evolve. They were the innovators of ritualistic worship and religious festivals observed in our centres today. The tradition set by them is being followed to this day at the Belur Math.Author: Swami Vimalatmananda Language: English Publisher: Baranagore Math Samrakshan Samti |
For Enquirers About Ramakrishna Math & Ramakrishna Mission
The Booklet gives brief information about The Monastic Order, the inspiration, guiding principles, its Ideology, service activities and life in the Order.
Also the booklet gives details about who and how one can join the Ramakrishna Order.
Recommended for those who want to know briefly about the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission.
Contents:The Monastic Order, The Ideology of the Order, Centres and Varied Works, Swami Vivekananda’s Call the Youth,
Life in the Order Author: Swami Tapasyananda Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
Ramakrishna Movement for All
Author: Swami Gahanananda Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai |