Vivekananda: World Teacher
His Teachings on the Spiritual Unity of Humankind – Through enlightening
lectures, letters, poems, photographs,newspaper reports and reminiscences of Vivekananda,
this book presents an intimate portrait of Vivekananda and
his influential messages of spiritual democracy, spiritual humanism, and world unity.
In these volumes we have not only a gospel to the world at large, but also, to its own children, the Charter of the Hindu faith. For the first time in history, Hinduism itself forms here the subject of generalization of a Hindu mind of the highest order. What Hinduism had needed was the organizing and consolidating of its own idea, a rock where she could lie at anchor, and an authoritative utterance in which she might recognise herself. What the world had needed was a faith that had no fear of truth. Both are found in the words and writings of Swami Vivekananda. It is the latest gospel of a modern Prophet of religion and spirituality to the mankind. |
Swami Vivekananda. Scientific treatment of Yoga philosophy describing methods of concentration,
psychic development, and the liberation of the soul from bondage of the body. |
The Swami begins the book by defining ‘Bhakti’ or devotion, supreme devotion that begins with renunciation. What the Swami says is telling: “We all begin with love for ourselves, and the unfair claims of the little self make even love selfish; at last, however, comes the full blaze of light in which this little self is seen, to have become one with the Infinite. Man himself is transfigured in the presence of this Light of Love, and he realises at last the beautiful and inspiring truth that Love, the Lover, and the Beloved are One.” This is truly the end of Bhakti Yoga – the yoga of love for God. |
There are several means of realizing God. The path of selfless work is one among them. This book contains eight lectures delivered by Swami Vivekananda on the practical application of the teachings of Vedanta to the affairs of daily life, showing how it is possible to lead the highest life and ultimately realize the Self without abandoning the duties and avocations of one’s life in the world. It shows the readers the technique of converting the mundane activities of everyday life into a means of attaining supreme felicity. |
Bhagvad Gita as viwed by Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda’s views on the Gita are scattered throughout The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda published by us in nine volumes. To Swami’s keen intellect, the shastras would open up and reveal a hitherto unheard meaning that appealed to one and all. The present book is a compilation of all the Swami’s views classified according to the chapters and verses of the Gita. In consequence, the reader is taken through some of the verses of the Gita along with the Swami’s commentary, as it were. |
Quotes of Swami Vivekananda
This book is a ocean of quotes given by swami vivekananda like Arise,awake and stop not till the goal is reached. |
On the way, passing through Colombo, Vivekananda was given a rousing welcome there as well. He gave many speeches, after which he proceeded to India, journeying through many Indian states by train, including Rameshwaram, Ramnad, Madurai, Madras and so on. This long journey ended in Almora. The lectures given at various places during this tour have been collectively published as a work, called “Lectures from Colombo to Almora”. |
the lectures of Swami Vivekananda on a universal approach to meditation. Swami Vivekananda on the MetaPhysical basis of Everyday Knowledge and Higher Understandings |
The conclusion they have reached is that all these extraordinary powers are in the mind of man. This mind is a part of the universal mind. Each mind is connected with every other mind. And each mind, whenever it is located, is in actual communication with the whole world.Man’s psyche is a storehouse of extraordinary powers. Unfortunately, for the most part, man remains ignorant of this tremendous potentiality. This booklet, Swami Vivekananda, briefly informs the reader about the infinite possibilities hidden within the recesses of the human mind. |
Letters are thoughts of one’s mind We can imagine the magnetic effect the letters of a dynamic personality and Saint like Swami Vivekananda had upon the lives of those to whom they were addressed. His letters contain many passages, a single one of which is sufficient to bring about a great Revolution and complete Transformation in one’s life. published by Advaita Asharama in 2008. |
WHAT RELIGION IS in the words of Swami vivekananda
This beautiful volume brings under one cover all the important ideas that are authentic and abiding, challenging and refreshing in religion.A perfect volume to get at the root of religion and its practice.The best part of the book. As he begins to explain the Vedanta philosophy,a branch of Hinduism, he is able to connect it to “Christians and Mohammedans”.”Religion is the tie, the unity of humanity”. He explains that he does not wish all of us to become one religion but for all of us to coexist with more than just tolerating the other religions but accepting them too. |
This book was first published in 1976 by the vedantha Society of Southern California. In order to provide a counter- balance to the intensively active life that everyone is involved in the present day world. Meditaion calms the mind and to concentrate one’s mental powers.For all the seekers of Truth and practitioners of meditation this book is sure to provide flashes of deep insight helping them to reach their goal through meditation.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama |
Sister Nivedita. A beautifully written and intimate glimpse into the life of Swami Vivekananda by one of his closest disciples. Describes some of the rare experiences of the Swami during a pilgrimage to the shrines of the Himalayas.Sister Nivedita. Illuminating reminiscences of Swami Vivekananda by a Western disciple (Margaret Noble) who came to India and dedicated her life to the work of her teacher. |
Swami was well-acquainted with the scientific thoughts of his times and was remarkably accurate in his observations and conclusions with regard to many scientific notions. What is even more important is the ample hints he gave on ways to train the mind, arousing the unseen power of intuition, which is vital to all scientific pursuits.The first edition of this book was brought out in May 2011 by Sri Nithyananda Prakashana, Bangalore.The author of the book is a retired scientist of ISRO,T.G.K. Murthy, Bangalore. |
This book is a collection of some of the stirring and inspiring lectures that Swami Vivekananda delivered to vast audiences in India and Sri Lanka after his rise to fame as the patriot-saint of Modern India. The pages of this book present a representative selection of the great Swami’s message to the young sons and daughters of India. A book highly recommended for all young minds bubbling with energy and enthusiasm to help them channelize their vigor and vitality in proper streams. |
This book is specially written for young boys and girls. Written in simple English, it tries to introduce Swami Vivekananda to young readers in the hope that they will want to know more about this great man and get acquainted with his ideas and draw inspiration from them. This book may also serve as an excellent rapid reader for school students. |
Swami Vivekananda,had many deep and insightful ideas on education. As time rolls by, his far-reaching vision of education is influencing an increasing number of thoughtful people the world over. Recognizing this contribution of his, UNESCO has identified Swami Vivekananda as one of the eminent educationists of the world.This book, a compilation of the great Swami’s ideas on education.Author: Br. Amal , Publisher: Advaita Ashrama |
This lecture, delivered at Lahore by Swami Vivekananda,this is one of his most comprehensive lectures on Advaita Vedanta. It is presented to the public in this booklet form to serve as a compendium of the Advaita doctrine.This book is published by Advaita Ashrama |
Swami Vivekananda’s illuminative ideas on religion are spread over nearly 4200 pages of his Complete Works. This book containing eight lectures is a compilation from the same and serves as a small introduction to his voluminous writings, talks, and lectures on the subject.Publisher:Adavaita Ashrama |
A Study of Mundaka Upanishad by Swami Vivekananda
The author had quoted from this Upanishad and explained its ideas in several of his lectures, class-talks, and conversations. All this material, spread throughout the nine volumes of his Complete Works, has been brought together in this book for the first time. What makes this compilation a treasure trove of original ideas and masterly insights is that the author goes straight to the heart of the subject to focus on the essentials, and to evolve practical methods from abstract principles.publisher:Adavita Ashrama |
Swami Vivekananda was a great admirer of Jesus Christ. We find his heartfelt adoration of this Messiah spread throughout his Works. This booklet contains a lecture delivered by him on Christ at Los Angeles in 1900 |
A Short Life of Swami Vivekananda
The life and message of Swami Vivekananda are a source of great inspiration to many in their individual as well as collective life. The present short biography is intended to meet the needs of those who have neither the time nor the opportunity to read bigger works about the Swami. A versatile genius as the great Swami was, and many-sided as were his activities, it is idle to hope that a complete picture of his wonderful life could be given in such a small compass. Here an attempt is made to give only a glimpse of this great personality so that people may become interested to know more about him.Author: Swami Tejasananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama |
Swami Vivekananda’s Rousing Call to Hindu Nation (1963)[1] is a compilation of Indian Hindu monk Swami Vivekananda’s writings and speeches edited by Eknath Ranade the leader of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. The book was published in 1963, in the birth centenary of Vivekananda Eknath Ranade in his compilation limited the coverage to Vivekananda’s writings related to India’s ancient heritage, the reasons that led to its decline to the present state and the ways and means to reattain the past glory. Highlighted in the book are Vivekananda’s call to rouse the conscience of the Hindus to establish the glory of Hindustan:COMPILED By Eknathji Ranade |
Notes on Some Wanderings with Swami Vivekananda
Author: Sister Nivedita
Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata |
A Bouquet of Swami Vivekananda’s Writings
Great prophets speak not only through their writings but also through the artefacts which preserve their memories. Original handwritten manuscripts are a type of such artefacts. The book contains selections from original manuscripts of Swami Vivekananda’s letters and other writings.Publisher: Advaita Ashrama |
To know India one must know her ancient culture, must know her people and identify oneself with their hopes and aspirations, joys and sorrows, and with their daily problems. Swami Vivekananda was unique in this respect. In fact very few have known India as thoroughly as did the author of this book, and without any fear of exaggeration, we may say that very few have loved India with the same degree of intensity as he did. In the pages of this book are collected some of the writings of the author dealing with India. They are extremely relevant at a time when India is entering on a new era of her history. |
Approaches to Human Development As shown by Swami Vivekananda
In giving his mantra towards the highest development and fulfilment of human beings and in inspiring human beings everywhere to take it up, Vivekananda not only built a bridge between the classical and the contemporary but also made a lasting contribution to human thought. This book gives an interpretation to Swami Vivekananda’s approaches to human development in terms of the three leading concepts of formation, consolidation, and articulation. Author: Sukanya Ray Publisher: Advaita Ashrama |
Bharatiya Nari
Swami Vivekananda traces the downfall of India to the continued neglect of our women and of our masses. This book is an attempt to bring together in a single compass the thoughts of this great teacher on the subject of Indian women – their past, present, and future – that lie scattered in his voluminous speeches and writings.Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur |
Bharat aur Uski Samasyaein
In Swami Vivekananda India had a son who could feel the very pulse of its life current, its vitality and power. This new Prophet of India could see through the masquerading veil of degeneration and decay, the obscured inherent power of his motherland, in slumber as it were, only waiting to be awakened to take the world by storm. In these pages, the readers will find a penetrating diagnosis of the problems with which India is confronted today, and also its solutions.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur |
Buddha and His Message
The present book is a compilation of the recorded lectures and statements of Swami Vivekananda on Buddha and Buddhism. Its perusal will give the reader a fairly comprehensive idea of the unique personality of Buddha, his enlightening message, and the historical development of Buddhism. No one can read it without being struck by the power, range, depth and beauty of Swamiji’s thoughts.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama |
Caste, Culture, and Socialism
This is a compilation from the works of Swami Vivekananda. All the excerpts on the subject are presented in a systematized form, so that this intensive study in the modern context of social and political re-thinking may be beneficial to all.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama |
Bold Message for World Peace
Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Chennai Languages:English |
Swami Vivekananda on India and Her Problems
In Swami Vivekananda India had a son who could feel the very pulse of its life current, its vitality and power. This new Prophet of India could see through the masquerading veil of degeneration and decay, the obscured inherent power of his motherland, in slumber as it were, only waiting to be awakened to take the world by storm. In these pages, the readers will find a penetrating diagnosis of the problems with which India is confronted today, and also its solutions.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English, Hindi, Bengali |
My Master
Throughout his spiritual ministration in the West, Swami Vivekananda mainly spread the message of the Universal Religion of Vedanta. Only on two occasions did he speak about his Master, Sri Ramakrishna; and that was at New York and England. This book comprises both the lectures combined under the present title. It contains the outpouring of a devout heart deeply stirred by the very name of his Master.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama languages:English, Hindi, Bengali |
Living at the Source – Yoga Teachings of Swami Vivekananda
The inspirational teachings collected in this book, selected from the writings and talks of Swami Vivekananda, speak directly to the concerns of contemporary men and women who seek to live a spiritual life in the midst of everyday activities. At the same time, they form a concise introduction to Vedanta, the perennial philosophy of India. This book brings us in touch with the source, the words of the great Swami and his central message. Herein lies the book’s special value.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama |
Our Women
Swami Vivekananda traces the downfall of India to the continued neglect of our women and of our masses. This book is an attempt to bring together in a single compass the thoughts of this great teacher on the subject of Indian women – their past, present, and future – that lie scattered in his voluminous speeches and writings.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: Hindi, English, Bengali |
Atmanubhuti Tatha Uske Marg
This book contains seven lectures of Swami Vivekananda culled from his Complete Works. It is especially intended for those who have not time enough to go through all the yogas but wish to gain a cursory knowledge of the subject. As the title suggests, the book acquaints the readers with the subject of Self-realisation and its methods in brief.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languges:Hindi, English |
Realisation and Its Methods
This book contains seven lectures of Swami Vivekananda culled from his Complete Works. It is especially intended for those who have not time enough to go through all the yogas but wish to gain a cursory knowledge of the subject. As the title suggests, the book acquaints the readers with the subject of Self-realisation and its methods in brief.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:Hindi, English |
This is a compilation of seven lectures of Swami Vivekananda on the soul and its bondage and freedom. In these lectures Swamiji shows that the three systems of philosophy, non-dualism, dualism, and qualified non-dualism are not contradictory, but complementary to each other.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages:Hindi |
Empowering the Youth – The Vivekananda Way
Swami Vivekananda had great confidence in the nation’s youth. Most of his utterances were targeted at them, from whom he envisioned the rise of his future workers. The idea behind this book is to place Swamiji’s teachings in the context of today’s problems, and urge the youth to find methods to put the teachings into practice.Author: Dr. M Sivaramkrishna Publisher: Advaita Ashrama
Languages:English |
Goa : Blessed by His Sacred Touch
An account of Swami Vivekananda’s visit to Goa in 1892.Swami Vivekananda, travelled the length and breadth of India during his Parivrajaka days. Motivated by an inner urge to explore and imbibe the varying colours of India and her timeless culture, and inspired by a deep monastic passion to visit various Tirthas that dot India’s sacred geography, Swamiji went around the country. His thirst for knowledge and devotion to the Divine in man brought him in touch withvarious people and places. During these travels, he visited Goa and spent some days in this ancient part of India-seeing most of its sacred places, interacting with many people in Goa, both eminent and commoners.Swami Atmashraddhananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Chennai Languages:English |
In Search of God and Other Poems
Swami Vivekananda is generally known as a saint, a patriot, and a lover of humanity. But very few people know him as a poet. He also wrote some poems, songs, and hymns, which though few in number, may be classed with the creations of poetic art. This book is an exhaustive collection of those compositions by him, consisting of those written in English, and others translated into English from the original Bengali, Sanskrit, or Hindi.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: Hindi, English |
Pavhari Baba
A short life sketch of the great saint Pavhari Baba by Swami Vivekananda. The last line of the book reads: ‘The present writer owes a deep debt of gratitude to the departed saint and dedicates these lines, however unworthy, to the memory of one of the greatest Masters he has loved and served.’Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languges: Hindi |
Pearls of Wisdom
This book is a complete Collection of Swami Vivekananda’s Quotes collected from Complete Works Of Swami Vivekananda. The quotes are grouped by key words like ‘Love’, ‘Knowledge’, ‘Leader’ etc….and are sorted alphabetically.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages:English |
Ramakrishna and His Message
The reminiscences and profound reflections of Swami Vivekananda concerning his beloved Master are scattered throughout the nine volumes of his Complete Works. To bring them together in one place, as has been done in this book, obviously serves a real need. Swami Vivekananda was the foremost among the disciples of Sri Ramakrishna, and what he said about his Master is of great importance, and hence the great value of this book.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:English |
Swami Vivekananda in Chicago: New Findings
Admirers and devotees of Swami Vivekananda will be very happy to see that even after exhaustive research done by many scholars, the present author has found it possible to discover some new facts regarding Swamiji’s life in Chicago. Using our present knowledge of the great Swami as his foundation, he has presented in his fascinating style his discoveries in this book.Author: Asim Chaudhuri Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:English |
Swami Vivekananda Tells Stories
Swami Vivekananda was a wonderful storyteller. His talks and writings are interspersed with numerous anecdotes and illustrations. This book contains most of his stories from his nine-volume Complete Works.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama
Languages:English |
Swami Vivekananda: A Historical Review
Author: A Compilation Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:English |
Swami Vivekananda’s Economic Thoughts
Author: Dr. Sarup Prasad Ghosh Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages:English |
Swami Vivekananda: Studies in Soviet Union
Contains articles by Russian authors devoted to various aspects of Swami Vivekananda’s world outlook and activity, surveying it in the overall context of spiritual, cultural and social-political life of India of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.Author: Harish C. Gupta Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages:English |
Inspired Talks
Notes of a series of inspiring class talks of Swami Vivekananda delivered during his seven weeks stay at Thousand Island park, U.S.A. on various religious and philosophical topics and recorded by Miss S. E. Waldo, an American disciple of Swamiji.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Chennai Languages:English, Hindi, Bengali |
Dharma Rahasya
Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages : Hindi |
Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages:Hindi |
Vivekananda’s Devotion to his mother Bhuvaneshwari Devi
In India the mother has always been equated with the gods and her role in the life of her children is considered second to none. This small booklet on Swami Vivekananda’s devotion to his mother, Bhuvaneshwari Devi, is a reiteration of the significance of a mother in moulding the life of even a world-renowned spiritual giant like Swamiji.Author: Swami Tathagatananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English, Hindi |
In Defence of Hinduism
When the phenomenal success of Swami Vivekananda as a defender of Hindu faith in the Parliament of Religions held in Chicago in 1893 was known in India, several meetings were held and addresses of thanks and congratulations were forwarded to him. It was to the addresses of the Hindus of Madras that he wrote his first reply, but that was a clarion call to all who were interested in Hinduism or the welfare of India. In this booklet is embodied that famous reply.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English, Hindi |
Life of Vivekananda
In this volume, the author, a great French savant and one of the finest examples of Gallic grace in intellectual culture, presents a fascinating and graphic account of Swami Vivekananda’s life and message. Though it is specially written for the western readers, nonetheless, its importance and value for all the admirers and devotees of the great Swami needs no emphasis. While turning the pages of this literary masterpiece, the readers are bound to feel the touch of a mind trained in the Western mode of critical analysis and scientific investigation.Author: Romain Rolland Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:English, Hindi |
Quiz on Swami Vivekananda
Young people love to ask questions, and it is this spirit of inquiry that takes them to the threshold of knowledge. This book is an attempt to direct this inquiry by elucidating incidents in the life of Swami Vivekananda through the form of questions and answers.Author: A Compilation Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, KolkataLanguages:English,Hindi |
Vivekananda and Human Excellence
In Vivekananda’s life there is an education available to all of us,the method by which he attained the wonderful all-comprehensive human excellence, beyond all limitations of space and time, universal in character. The author has dealt with this subject in a brilliant manner apprising the readers the importance of developing that wonderful universal excellence which is inherent in every man.Author: Swami Ranganathananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama. Languages: English |
Vivekananda in Europe
The travels of great saints leave a mark on the places they visit. Swami Vivekananda travelled widely across the world. This book is an attempt to trace his route across Europe and to find out the changes in the places that have taken place since then.Author: Swami Vidyatmananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English |
Vedanta: Voice of Freedom
Once Swami Vivekananda had made a prophetic statement when he said: ‘I have a message to the West as Buddha had a message to the East’. What was his message? It was Vedanta. And by compiling this selection from the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda the compiler has performed a most valuable task in keeping before the readers that grand message. Moreover, nothing need be mentioned about the electrifying words of the great Swami that have been resounding that voice of freedom ever since they were first uttered.People living outside India can purchase this book from our centre at St. Louis, USA. Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English, Bengali |
The Ships of Vivekananda
The book presents a broad canvas wherein the history, akin to biography, of all the eleven ships which took Swami Vivekananda around the seven seas during his two Western visits are threaded together with the sequence of events in his life in between those voyages.Author: Somnath Mukhopadhyay Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English |
The Universal Symphony of Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda had no provincial limits to his sympathies. His heart embraced the whole of humanity, and he had the power – intellectual as well as spiritual – to impress himself upn the thought and culture of the modern age. This book comprises seven lectures delivered by Swami Ranganathananda that reveal how Swami Vivekananda was an embodiment of universal symphony.Author: Swami Ranganathananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:English |
Vivekananda: His Contribution to the Present Age
Swami Vivekananda’s special contribution to the present age is the deliverance of a universal message conducive to man’s moral and spiritual upliftment throughout the world and to the harmonious living of all human beings irrespective of differences of colour, creed, sex, age, social rank, cultural standard, political outlook, and so forth. The Swami’s personal experience of East and West, his penetrating insight, his erudition, his boundless compassion, his immaculate life, and above all, his realization of the Ultimate Truth, made him specially qualified for the divine commission – the reconstruction of humanity on the spiritual foundation.Author: Swami Satprakashananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English |
Swami Vivekananda lived only for 39 years but has left a legacy of a luxurious school of philosophy that is mostly on the grounds of humanism, spirituality and one’s strive for excellence as an enlightened soul. His love and respect for the Indian heritage in the field of spirituality was immense. This book, published by Advaita Ashrama, is a brilliant compilation of such thoughts, which inspire the readers for a better personal life. Swami Vivekananda travelled throughout India and also different parts of the world and spread his insights on life as a whole and life as an individual. Vedas and Upanishads were the basis of his teachings, which reflect extensively in many of his thoughts in this book.Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English |
Sri Ramakrishna as I saw Him
A picture of Sri Ramakrishna in Swami Vivekananda’s words.
Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Chennai Languages: English |
Swami Vivekananda’s Concept of Service
Author: Swami Swahananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Chennai Languages: English |
Swami Vivekananda in America: New Findings
Swami Vivekananda in America: New Findings is the thirdwork in a series on “new information” about Swami Vivekananda. The author of this work has unearthedsome new information from various newspapers, reports, articles, and other writings that fill in some of the lacunas in Swamiji’s life left vacant in the other two works. Here we find more information regarding the setting in which Swamiji had to work in America, the forces that opposed him and those that stood behind him, as also some places that were sanctified by the touch of his feet. Admirers of Swamiji will be delighted at the large number of photographs in color in this work, as they will appreciate the exhaustive references and the detailed index it contains.Author: Asim Chaudhuri Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English |
Talks with Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda has revealed himself with even greater appeal in his intimate and informal conversations with his disciples than in his preaching in public. In these talks, he gives directions about spiritual practice and meditation, talks of high philosophy, and in the next breath discusses the problems of national regeneration, social reform, educational ideals, and other such topics.Author: Sharat Chandra Chakravarty Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English, Hindi, Bengali |
Bharat ka Bhavishya
Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages:Hindi |
Narada Bhakti Sutra Evam Bhakti Vishayak Pravachan Aur Akhyan
Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: Hindi |
Memoirs of European Travel
This book is a translation of Swami Vivekananda’s Bengali writing, ‘Parivrajaka’. Written in a mixture of humorous and serious vein, the book presents Swamiji’s thoughts on various subjects – all that had drawn his keen attention during his journey from Kolkata to Europe. The author’s observations cover a vast panorama of human life and its current, including different cultures, traditions, practices, life-styles, climes, history, topography, etc. A highly interesting book characterized by the author’s unique flair to bring out illuminating flashes of truth through sharp and pointed statements. A book that makes very interesting reading, and is, at the same time, illuminating and informative.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:English,Hindi,Bengali |
This book incorporates some of the practical lectures on devotion delivered by Swami Vivekananda. Here he discusses the preparatory disciplines, the importance of the guru and how to choose one, the principles of ritual worship, the chosen ideal, and finally, the supreme love. This book differs from the Swami’s Bhakti Yoga lectures, not in subject matter, but in his treatment of the subject here in an intensive, yet more easily appreciable form.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English,Hindi,Bengali |
Sangeet Kalpataru
Hymns & Prayers/Devotional Songs/Music
Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages: Bengali |
Salvation and Service
Even after having stepped into the third millennium characterized by stupendous scientific and technological progress, the world today is witnessing a shocking erosion of ethical and spiritual values all around. In this backdrop a keen need is being felt for combining service with spiritual life, and spiritual life with service, for enriching the quality of both, as an effective panacea for this canker on the world body. This small booklet precisely provides that relieving balm. It is compiled from the numerous inspiring letters penned by Swami Vivekananda. Highly motivating, this book shows us the way to connect the apparently divergent currents of life – Salvation and Service.
Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:English |
Six Lessons on Raja Yoga
This booklet comprises of class talks given by Swami Vivekananda to an intimate audience in America. Here the subject of practical spirituality in the form of Raja Yoga is presented in a very lucid and succinct form, offering many valuable hints and directions for spiritual practice. The book is thus designed to be a precious and authoritative guide for all serious students of practical religion.
Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:English,Hindi,Bengali |
Dhruvajyoti Tumi Andhakare
Thirty-nine articles on the life, message and personality of Swami Vivekananda.Author: Pravrajika Vedantaprana Publisher: Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Languages:Bengali |
Social Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda
The book is fairly a comprehensive study of the Social Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda, who is hailed today as a prophet of human emancipation in many parts of the world. The author shows that Vivekananda’s Social Philosophy based on Vedanta (recognized by many as the background philosophy of modern science) contains a revolutionary concept of ‘Man’, a revolutionary concept of ‘Religion’ and a revolutionary concept of ‘Revolution’ itself.Author: Santwana Dasgupta Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages: English |
Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Chennai Languages:English,Hindi,Bengali |
Reminiscences of Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda’s towering personality influenced innumerable persons in India and abroad in various ways. The impress which his life and character made on those persons who were about him and the recounting of those memories by them, reveal the multiple facets of Swamiji’s magnanimous personality. This book contains some of those interesting reminiscences which would be not only interesting, but also a revelation to all the admirers of the great Swami.Author: A Compilation
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Langauges:English, Hindi |
This book incorporates some of the practical lectures on devotion delivered by Swami Vivekananda. Here he discusses the preparatory disciplines, the importance of the guru and how to choose one, the principles of ritual worship, the chosen ideal, and finally, the supreme love. This book differs from the Swami’s Bhakti Yoga lectures, not in subject matter, but in his treatment of the subject here in an intensive, yet more easily appreciable form.Author: Swami Vivekananda
Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages:English,Hindi,Bengali |
Photographs of Swami Vivekananda
Author: A Compilation Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Chennai Languages:English |
If one asks, how Vedanta can be made practical in our day-to-day life, here is a book which provides the answer. It contains some of the most important lectures delivered by Swami Vivekananda in London regarding the application of Vedanta in our daily lives. Highly practical, this book helps the readers to bring about a deep transformation in their lives by spiritualizing their every moment and movement.Author: Swami Vivekananda
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English |
In this book the author paints on a vast canvas the salient features of the Oriental and Occidental civilizations and shows that every nation is an expression of an idea; that every nation has got a distinctive role to play as far as the preservation and strengthening of the world order is concerned; that there ought to be swapping of these ideas with an open mind to make for a healthy world order. The author, in his inimitable style, and at times in a humorous and sarcastic vein, brings out the different colourful traits of both the Orientals and the Occidentals, which not only keep the readers engrossed, but also rouses in them a sense of respect and honour for all the civilizations of the world.
Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: Hindi,Bengali,English |
Shaktidayi Vichar
Modern man tossed up and down the tempest of worldly duties and responsibilities is, many a times, not surprisingly, found to be dejected and depressed. He desperately tries to take hold of some external prop to once again stand on his feet. This booklet is packed with electrifying thoughts which have the power to lift up every drooping soul back to its state of inherent power and strength. These very vigorous words of Swami Vivekananda have been instrumental in bringing about a drastic awakening in the collective and the individual minds, and in boosting them to move ahead with tremendous confidence towards the goal.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: English,Hindi,Bengali |
Sarvalaukik Niti tatha Sadachar
Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur languages:Hindi |
Swami Vivekananda on Himself
This book is a documentation of selected notes and utterances of Swamiji about himself and his work. These are arranged chronologically so as to form what may be called a near autobiography of the saint.Author: Swami Vivekananda
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:English |
Swami Vivekananda ka Maharashtra Bhraman Swami Vivekananda in Maharashtra
This is a chronological account of Swami Vivekananda’s travels in Maharashtra and contains many hitherto unpublished incidents of Swamiji’s life.Author: Swami Videhatmananda
Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: Hindi |
Swami Vivekananda – Leader of Sacred Nationhood
This book is a sincere attempt at examining the present situation in the country on some of the major fronts and makes us realize the gross departure of our country’s populace from the ideals Swami Vivekananda placed before us for the making of an “ideal society”. The damaging ideology of materialism has gripped the nation’s soul and infused her with thorough profaneness in every sphere of life. Swami Vivekananda, as a leader of sacred nationhood, is the torch to be lighted in these dismal and dark days that see the erosion of spiritual values in our society.Author: Prof. S. K. Chakraborty
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:English |
Swami Vivekananda: His Humanism
This book chiefly attempts to show how Swami Vivekananda’s humanism differs drastically from that of other humanists. In fact, the readers will find in these stimulating pages that most of the humanists touched only the peripheral zone of man, whereas Vivekananda’s humanism had a far-reaching significance in the estimation of values in human life. His humanism is divine in its nature as it touches the central core of man.Author: Swami Ranganathananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:English,Hindi,Bengali |
The Science and Philosophy of Religion
The ancient seers of India realized the highest non-dual Truth and thus attained to unity in the religious field; they succeeded in bringing religion to the rank of a perfect and complete science. The methods adopted by them to come to this result were the same as those followed by all the sciences of the present day. This book discusses how the philosophers of India applied these rational methods in coming to their respective discoveries, thus establishing the scientific character of Indian philosophy and religion. The book chiefly makes a comparative study of Samkhya, Vedanta and other systems of thought.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:Hindi,English, Bengali. |
Teachings of Swami Vivekananda
This book comprises of a choice collection of Swami Vivekananda’s utterances culled from his numerous speeches and writings, arranged under 44 suitable sections. It is a treasure house of thoughts of power to inspire and guide mankind in its march towards the Supreme Reality. Covering the entire cyclorama of man’s life and its evolutionary movement, the electrifying gospel of this great Swami includes within its fold everything that would go to inspire and awaken a drooping soul by reminding him of his infinite potentialities and inherent greatness, and making him move ahead on the difficult terrain of life and circumstances. This book is a must for all those who earnestly wish to move ahead in the grand march of life, infested with tremendous obstacles and difficulties, towards the state of Supreme Felicity.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:English,Hindi |
Vivekananda as the Turning Point The rise of a new Spiritual Wave
This is a commemorative volume, being a part of Swami Vivekananda’s 150th birth anniversary publications. It is a collection of revealing articles on this great personality by writers from all walks of life, and they present Vivekananda as that Turning Point in modern history, which will usher a new era of hope, peace, and living spirituality the world over.Author: A Compilation Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:English |
Vivekananda: His Call to the Nation A selected Compilation from Swamiji’s Utterances
In today’s India, the scene that presents itself before any impartial observer is a welter of conflicting ideologies amidst drift and restlessness. In such a situation, the youth of the country are restive. They seek an answer. Swami Vivekananda’s words, touching upon every facet of our national life, provide answers to questions that agitate both the individual and society.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:English, Hindi |
Vivekananda: East Meets West
A pictorial biography of Swami Vivekananda, who wanted the East to meet the West by infusing the ancient spiritual values of Vedanta into the dynamic, creative power of the West and bringing the vitality and energy of the Western nations to India.Author: Swami Chetanananda Publisher: Foreign Publication Languages:English |
Vivekananda: A Biography in Pictures
A wonderful biographical album printed in high-quality art paper. Contains 233 photographs, arranged chronologically with a life-sketch of Swami Vivekananda, chronological table, write-ups and quotations from Swamiji for each photograph, etc. It includes almost all the available pictures of Swamiji, separate and in group, and many pictures of places and persons connected with him.Author: Gitananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:English |
Swami Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries
This book is an outcome of the painstaking research work undertaken by the author with a view to provide correct information, as far as possible, to the devotees of Swami Vivekananda about his stay and work in the West together with contemporary reports and illustrations. The author has carefully traced the footsteps of the great Swami throughout his mission in the West and has supported her narration with adequate evidences in the form of newspaper reports, photographs, epistles, reminiscences, etc. Apart from presenting pictures of the places where the Swami lived and worked, and of the people he knew and loved and who helped him during his visit to the West, one main contribution of this present series is that it marshals massive evidence to prove that during his visits to the West the Swami was keenly devoted to doing ‘Mother’s work’ for which his Master had commissioned him.Author: Marie Louise Burke Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:English |
Concordance to Swami Vivekananda (Vol. 1)
Author: A Compilation Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages:English |
Concordance to Swami Vivekananda (Vol. 2)
Author: A Concordance Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages:English |
Concordance to Swami Vivekananda (Vol. 3)
Author: A Concordance Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages:English |
Swami Vivekananda in Contemporary Indian News Vol. 1
The author, well known for his study and research on Swami Vivekananda, for years collected information on Swamiji from contemporary Indian newspapers and journals. This book will give the reader a firsthand account of the great impact Swamiji made on contemporary India through his words and deeds.Author: Shankari Prasad Basu Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages:English |
Swami Vivekananda In Contemporary Indian News Vol. 2
The author, well known for his study and research on Swami Vivekananda, for years collected information on Swamiji from contemporary Indian newspapers and journals. This book will give the reader a firsthand account of the great impact Swamiji made on contemporary India through his words and deeds.Author: Shankari Prasad Basu Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages:English |
Swami Vivekananda Ki Pawan Smritiyan
Swami Vivekananda’s towering personality influenced innumerable persons in India and abroad in various ways. The impress which his life and character made on those persons who came in touch with him and the recounting of those memories by them, reveal the multiple facets of Swamiji’s magnanimous personality. This book contains thirty-nine reminiscences which would be not only interesting, but also a revelation to all the admirers of the great Swami.Author: A Compilation
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:Hindi |
Swami Vivekananda’s Neo-Vedanta A Critical Study
The author makes a critical study of Swami Vivekananda’s Neo Vedanta in theory and practice and through it, he tries to show its social relevance and importance. Author: Dulal Chandra Panday Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark
Languages: English |
Swami Vivekananda’s Vedantic Socialism
In this thought-provoking book the author has presented to us a new brand of socialism, which he calls ‘Swami Vivekananda’s Vedantic Socialism’. The author believes that real Socialism has to be Vedantic in the sense that Swami Vivekananda used the word. This type of socialism, however, is not ushered in by a violent revolution, but a peaceful revolution of an individual’s character.Author: Prof. R. K. Dasgupta Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages:English |
Swami Vivekananda: New Perspectives An Anthology on Swami Vivekananda
Irrespective of clime and age, man cannot but be thrilled and inspired by the soul-stirring words of Swami Vivekananda. With humanity at the crossroads today, there cannot be a healthier exercise than to reflect on the profound message of this great prophet of humanity. The book contains 32 artilces on various facets of Swamiji’s life and teachings.
Author: A Compilation Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages: English |
Swami Vivekanander Bani O Rachana Vol.1
In these volumes we have not only a gospel to the world at large, but also, to its own children, the Charter of the Hindu faith. For the first time in history, Hinduism itself forms here the subject of generalization of a Hindu mind of the highest order. What Hinduism had needed was the organizing and consolidating of its own idea, a rock where she could lie at anchor, and an authoritative utterance in which she might recognise herself. What the world had needed was a faith that had no fear of truth. Both are found in the words and writings of Swami Vivekananda. It is the latest gospel of a modern Prophet of religion and spirituality to the mankind.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Swami Vivekanander Bani O Rachana Vol.2
In these volumes we have not only a gospel to the world at large, but also, to its own children, the Charter of the Hindu faith. For the first time in history, Hinduism itself forms here the subject of generalization of a Hindu mind of the highest order. What Hinduism had needed was the organizing and consolidating of its own idea, a rock where she could lie at anchor, and an authoritative utterance in which she might recognise herself. What the world had needed was a faith that had no fear of truth. Both are found in the words and writings of Swami Vivekananda. It is the latest gospel of a modern Prophet of religion and spirituality to the mankind.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Swami Vivekanander Bani O Rachana Vol.3
In these volumes we have not only a gospel to the world at large, but also, to its own children, the Charter of the Hindu faith. For the first time in history, Hinduism itself forms here the subject of generalization of a Hindu mind of the highest order. What Hinduism had needed was the organizing and consolidating of its own idea, a rock where she could lie at anchor, and an authoritative utterance in which she might recognise herself. What the world had needed was a faith that had no fear of truth. Both are found in the words and writings of Swami Vivekananda. It is the latest gospel of a modern Prophet of religion and spirituality to the mankind.Author: Swami VivekanandaPublisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Swami Vivekanander Bani O Rachana Vol.4
In these volumes we have not only a gospel to the world at large, but also, to its own children, the Charter of the Hindu faith. For the first time in history, Hinduism itself forms here the subject of generalization of a Hindu mind of the highest order. What Hinduism had needed was the organizing and consolidating of its own idea, a rock where she could lie at anchor, and an authoritative utterance in which she might recognise herself. What the world had needed was a faith that had no fear of truth. Both are found in the words and writings of Swami Vivekananda. It is the latest gospel of a modern Prophet of religion and spirituality to the mankind.Author: Swami VivekanandaPublisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Swami Vivekanander Bani O Rachana Vol.5
In these volumes we have not only a gospel to the world at large, but also, to its own children, the Charter of the Hindu faith. For the first time in history, Hinduism itself forms here the subject of generalization of a Hindu mind of the highest order. What Hinduism had needed was the organizing and consolidating of its own idea, a rock where she could lie at anchor, and an authoritative utterance in which she might recognise herself. What the world had needed was a faith that had no fear of truth. Both are found in the words and writings of Swami Vivekananda. It is the latest gospel of a modern Prophet of religion and spirituality to the mankind. Author: Swami VivekanandaPublisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Swami Vivekanander Bani O Rachana Vol.6
In these volumes we have not only a gospel to the world at large, but also, to its own children, the Charter of the Hindu faith. For the first time in history, Hinduism itself forms here the subject of generalization of a Hindu mind of the highest order. What Hinduism had needed was the organizing and consolidating of its own idea, a rock where she could lie at anchor, and an authoritative utterance in which she might recognise herself. What the world had needed was a faith that had no fear of truth. Both are found in the words and writings of Swami Vivekananda. It is the latest gospel of a modern Prophet of religion and spirituality to the mankind.Author: Swami VivekanandaPublisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Swami Vivekanander Bani O Rachana Vol.7
In these volumes we have not only a gospel to the world at large, but also, to its own children, the Charter of the Hindu faith. For the first time in history, Hinduism itself forms here the subject of generalization of a Hindu mind of the highest order. What Hinduism had needed was the organizing and consolidating of its own idea, a rock where she could lie at anchor, and an authoritative utterance in which she might recognise herself. What the world had needed was a faith that had no fear of truth. Both are found in the words and writings of Swami Vivekananda. It is the latest gospel of a modern Prophet of religion and spirituality to the mankind.Author: Swami VivekanandaPublisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Swami Vivekanander Bani O Rachana Vol.8
In these volumes we have not only a gospel to the world at large, but also, to its own children, the Charter of the Hindu faith. For the first time in history, Hinduism itself forms here the subject of generalization of a Hindu mind of the highest order. What Hinduism had needed was the organizing and consolidating of its own idea, a rock where she could lie at anchor, and an authoritative utterance in which she might recognise herself. What the world had needed was a faith that had no fear of truth. Both are found in the words and writings of Swami Vivekananda. It is the latest gospel of a modern Prophet of religion and spirituality to the mankind.Author: Swami VivekanandaPublisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Swami Vivekanander Bani O Rachana Vol.9
In these volumes we have not only a gospel to the world at large, but also, to its own children, the Charter of the Hindu faith. For the first time in history, Hinduism itself forms here the subject of generalization of a Hindu mind of the highest order. What Hinduism had needed was the organizing and consolidating of its own idea, a rock where she could lie at anchor, and an authoritative utterance in which she might recognise herself. What the world had needed was a faith that had no fear of truth. Both are found in the words and writings of Swami Vivekananda. It is the latest gospel of a modern Prophet of religion and spirituality to the mankind.Author: Swami VivekanandaPublisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Swami Vivekanander Bani O Rachana Vol.10
In these volumes we have not only a gospel to the world at large, but also, to its own children, the Charter of the Hindu faith. For the first time in history, Hinduism itself forms here the subject of generalization of a Hindu mind of the highest order. What Hinduism had needed was the organizing and consolidating of its own idea, a rock where she could lie at anchor, and an authoritative utterance in which she might recognise herself. What the world had needed was a faith that had no fear of truth. Both are found in the words and writings of Swami Vivekananda. It is the latest gospel of a modern Prophet of religion and spirituality to the mankind.Author: Swami VivekanandaPublisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Swami Vivekanander Bani O Rachana Set of 10 Vols
In these volumes we have not only a gospel to the world at large, but also, to its own children, the Charter of the Hindu faith. For the first time in history, Hinduism itself forms here the subject of generalization of a Hindu mind of the highest order. What Hinduism had needed was the organizing and consolidating of its own idea, a rock where she could lie at anchor, and an authoritative utterance in which she might recognise herself. What the world had needed was a faith that had no fear of truth. Both are found in the words and writings of Swami Vivekananda. It is the latest gospel of a modern Prophet of religion and spirituality to the mankind.Author: Swami VivekanandaPublisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata
Languages: Bengali, English,Hindi. |
The Universal Vivekananda
In the whole range of religious biography, we hardly come across a personality more dynamic and forceful than Swami Vivekananda. The book contains seventeen articles revealing different phases of Swamiji’s multi-faceted genius.
Author: A Compilation Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:English |
The World Parliament of Religions, 1893
This book gives the reader an overview of the Parliament of Religions held in Chicago in 1893. Also presented here are some of the speeches of the delegates which reflect the myriad rays of human thought emanating from the different religions of the world. Needless to say, special stress has been laid on Swami Vivekananda’s participation in the Parliament and his stupendous success which paved the way for a greater harmony between followers of all the religions of the world.
Author: L. N. Jhunjhunwala Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English |
Understanding Vivekananda
An anthology on the ideas and legacy of Swami Vivekananda. Thirty-three articles by reputed scholars and devotees – monastic and lay.Author: A Compilation Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Langauges: English |
Vivekananda: Ek Sachitra Jivani
A wonderful biographical album printed in hight-quality art paper. Contains 233 photographs, arranged chronologically with a life-sketch of Swami Vivekananda, chronological table, write-ups and quotations from Swamiji for each photograph, etc. It includes almost all the available pictures of Swamiji, separate and in group, and many pictures of places and persons connected with him.Author: Swami Smaranananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English, Hindi, Bengali. |
Yuganayak Vivekananda Set of 3 Vols.
The book provides the most exhaustive and reliable account of a man who not only lived an inspired life but was constantly a source of inspiration to others. Says C. Rajagopalachari: ‘Swami Vivekananda saved Hinduism and saved India. But for him, we would have lost our religion and would not have gained our freedom. We therefore owe everything to Swami Vivekananda.’Author: Swami Gambhirananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages:Hindi |
Jugadishari Vivekananda
Author: Swami Purnatmananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Paschatye Vivekananda (Vol.1)
This book is an outcome of the painstaking research work undertaken by the author with a view to provide correct information, as far as possible, to the devotees of Swami Vivekananda about his stay and work in the West together with contemporary reports and illustrations. The author has carefully traced the footsteps of the great Swami throughout his mission in the West and has supported her narration with adequate evidences in the form of newspaper reports, photographs, epistles, reminiscences, etc. Apart from presenting pictures of the places where the Swami lived and worked, and of the people he knew and loved and who helped him during his visit to the West, one main contribution of this present series is that it marshals massive evidence to prove that during his visits to the West the Swami was keenly devoted to doing ‘Mother’s work’ for which his Master had commissioned him.Author: Marie Louise Burke Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: English, Bengali |
Paschatye Vivekananda (Vol.2)
This book is an outcome of the painstaking research work undertaken by the author with a view to provide correct information, as far as possible, to the devotees of Swami Vivekananda about his stay and work in the West together with contemporary reports and illustrations. The author has carefully traced the footsteps of the great Swami throughout his mission in the West and has supported her narration with adequate evidences in the form of newspaper reports, photographs, epistles, reminiscences, etc. Apart from presenting pictures of the places where the Swami lived and worked, and of the people he knew and loved and who helped him during his visit to the West, one main contribution of this present series is that it marshals massive evidence to prove that during his visits to the West the Swami was keenly devoted to doing ‘Mother’s work’ for which his Master had commissioned him.Author: Marie Louise Burke Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: English, Bengali |
Paschatye Vivekananda (Vol.3)
This book is an outcome of the painstaking research work undertaken by the author with a view to provide correct information, as far as possible, to the devotees of Swami Vivekananda about his stay and work in the West together with contemporary reports and illustrations. The author has carefully traced the footsteps of the great Swami throughout his mission in the West and has supported her narration with adequate evidences in the form of newspaper reports, photographs, epistles, reminiscences, etc. Apart from presenting pictures of the places where the Swami lived and worked, and of the people he knew and loved and who helped him during his visit to the West, one main contribution of this present series is that it marshals massive evidence to prove that during his visits to the West the Swami was keenly devoted to doing ‘Mother’s work’ for which his Master had commissioned him.Author: Marie Louise Burke Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages:Bengali, English |
Paschatye Vivekananda (Vol.4)
This book is an outcome of the painstaking research work undertaken by the author with a view to provide correct information, as far as possible, to the devotees of Swami Vivekananda about his stay and work in the West together with contemporary reports and illustrations. The author has carefully traced the footsteps of the great Swami throughout his mission in the West and has supported her narration with adequate evidences in the form of newspaper reports, photographs, epistles, reminiscences, etc. Apart from presenting pictures of the places where the Swami lived and worked, and of the people he knew and loved and who helped him during his visit to the West, one main contribution of this present series is that it marshals massive evidence to prove that during his visits to the West the Swami was keenly devoted to doing ‘Mother’s work’ for which his Master had commissioned him. Author: Marie Louise Burke Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: English, Bengali |
Paschatye Vivekananda (Vol.5)
This book is an outcome of the painstaking research work undertaken by the author with a view to provide correct information, as far as possible, to the devotees of Swami Vivekananda about his stay and work in the West together with contemporary reports and illustrations. The author has carefully traced the footsteps of the great Swami throughout his mission in the West and has supported her narration with adequate evidences in the form of newspaper reports, photographs, epistles, reminiscences, etc. Apart from presenting pictures of the places where the Swami lived and worked, and of the people he knew and loved and who helped him during his visit to the West, one main contribution of this present series is that it marshals massive evidence to prove that during his visits to the West the Swami was keenly devoted to doing ‘Mother’s work’ for which his Master had commissioned him.Author: Marie Louise Burke Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages:English, Bengali |
Letters are the reflections of one’s mind. We can imagine the magnetic effect the letters of a dynamic personality and saint like Swami Vivekananda had upon the lives of those to whom they were addressed. Even a single passage of many of his letters is sufficient to bring about a great revolution and complete transformation in one’s life. This volume contains all the more important letters of Swamiji.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: English, Hindi, Bengali |
Letters are the reflections of one’s mind. We can imagine the magnetic effect the letters of a dynamic personality and saint like Swami Vivekananda had upon the lives of those to whom they were addressed. Even a single passage of many of his letters is sufficient to bring about a great revolution and complete transformation in one’s life. This volume contains all the more important letters of Swamiji.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: English, Hindi, Bengali |
Swami Vivekananda Janmasardhashatavarsher Shraddhanjali
Sixty articles on the life and message of Swami Vivekananda.Author: A Compilation
Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Swami Vivekananda
Author: Manadashankar Dasgupta Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Smritir Aloye Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda’s towering personality influenced innumerable persons in India and abroad in various ways. The impress which his life and character made on those persons who were about him and the recounting of those memories by them, reveal the multiple facets of Swamiji’s magnanimous personality. This book contains some of those interesting reminiscences which will also be a revelation to all the admirers of the great Swami.Author: A Compilation Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata
Languages: Bengali, English |
Swami Vivekanander Samajtatvik Chintadhara
Sociology is a social science which has human society for its object of study. This research work on Swami Vivekananda’s Sociological thoughts will help the reader to know what constitutes an ideal Society and how the formation of such a Society can be made practical.Author: Dr. Purba Sengupta
Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages: Bengali |
Swami Vivekananda (Vol.1)
Author: Pramathanath Basu Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Swami Vivekananda (Vol.2)
Author: Pramathanath Basu Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Swami Vivekanander Kavitasamagra
Poems written by Swami Vivekananda with short explanations.Author: Swami Suparnananda
Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpar Languages: Bengali |
Swami Vivekananda Sahitya Sanchayan [PB]
Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages:Hindi |
Vivekananda Sahitya (Set of 10)
In these volumes we have not only a gospel to the world at large, but also, to its own children, the Charter of the Hindu faith. For the first time in history, Hinduism itself forms here the subject of generalization of a Hindu mind of the highest order. What Hinduism had needed was the organizing and consolidating of its own idea, a rock where she could lie at anchor, and an authoritative utterance in which she might recognise herself. What the world had needed was a faith that had no fear of truth. Both are found in the words and writings of Swami Vivekananda. It is the latest gospel of a modern Prophet of religion and spirituality to the mankind.Author: Swami Vivekananda
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English, Hindi, Bengali |
Swami Vivekananda’s poems are expressions of not so much of his poetic genius but of the outpourings of his soul – his realizations and spiritual experiences as well as his agony and anguish. Although Swamiji wrote some Sanskrit hymns and poems, most of his poems are in Bengali or English. This book contains the complete translation of all his poems in Sanskrit.Author: No Author Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Belur Math Languages: Sanskrit
Yugapurush Swami Vivekananda
Life and teachings of Swami Vivekananda.Author: Homlal Shresth Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: Nepali |
Yugapravartak Swami Vivekananda
Author: Swami Apurvananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Vivekanander Samaj-Darshan
Author: Prof. Santvana Dasgupta Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Vivekanander Vedantachinta
Author: Dineshchandra Bhattachrya Shastri Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages: Bengali |
Vividha Prasanga
Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: Hindi |
Vivekananda: Awakener of Modern India
Among the makers of modern India, Vivekananda holds the pride of place. It is under his banner that Indian youth can safely march ahead. This is a short biography of him.
Author: R. Ramakrishnan Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Chennai Languages: English |
Vivekananda: A Born Leader
The profile of Swami Vivekananda as ‘A Leader’ had previously never been studied and thought about on its own, especially in the light of modern management and leadership theories. The author of this book has taken the initiative to view Swamiji in this light and present him to the readers as a model of ‘A Leader-Manager’.Author: Asim Chaudhuri
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English |
Yantrir Yantra Swamiji
A book on Swami Vivekananda compiled from authentic sources which shows how Swamiji fulfilled his Master’s mission by becoming a perfect instrument in his hand.
Author: Shantipada Gangopadhyay Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Vivekananda Charit
Author: Sri Satyendranath Majumdar Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: Hindi |
Vivekananda Bhavana
Author: Swami Swahananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Vivekananda ki Jivangatha
A short life of Swami Vivekananda.Author: Swami Premeshananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages:Hindi,Bengali |
Swamijir Sannidhane
Short introductions of 125 persons who had the good fortune to come in contact with Swami Vivekananda.
Author: Swami Jivananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
The Practice of Religion
In this lecture Swami Vivekananda points out that in order to be really spiritual, we need to be dynamic and practise spiritual disciplines instead of being content with lifeless theories and dogmas.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English |
Vishwapathik Vivekananda
Author: A Compilation Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Vivekananda : Manishiyon ki Drishti Mein
Swami Vivekananda is above all barriers of race and creed. His concern was for mankind as a whole, for to him it is one in spite of its many superficial divisions. This book contains tributes to this great teacher from savants across the world.Author: A Compilation Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: Hindi |
Swamijir Bharatprem
Author: Swami Chaitanyananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Swamiji Likhchen (Vivekananda Writes to You )
Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali, English |
Swami Vivekanander Bani Sanchayan
Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Swamijir Ramakrishna Sadhana
Author: Swami Budhananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Swamijir Swadhin Bharater Swapna
Author: Swami Ranganathananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Thoughts on the Gita
The Bhagavad Gita is one of the most important scriptures of the Hindus. The very fact that this scripture has been commented upon by innumerable saints only highlights its great importance. This being the case, readers would find it deeply interesting to know what Swami Vivekananda had to say regarding it. In the pages of this booklet are found those wonderful ideas and authoritative statements regarding Gita by one who was aptly fit to bring out the hidden significance and essence of this great scripture.
Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English |
Universal Ethics and Moral Conduct
In these days of terrible erosion in human values, when man is guided by the deadly materialistic view of himself and the world, the role of this book is like that of a beacon light which awakens him to a new value system. Jesus had said, ‘love thy neighbours as thyself’, but why? In these pages the readers get the answer to this question. The practice of ethics and morality when based merely on religious precepts leaves the modern man with the seed of doubt in his heart as he fails to understand the rationality, behind them. Ethic needs to be founded on the rock of rationality which alone can help the modern man to make it a part of his life whole heartedly. This wonderful collection from the Works of Swami Vivekananda precisely fulfils this role.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English |
Vedanta Ki Evam Keno
Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Udbodhan Karyalaya, Kolkata Languages: Bengali |
Vartaman Bharat
Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Math, Nagpur Languages: Hindi |
Thoughts on Vedanta
This book is a collection of six lectures culled from the first volume of the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda. As the title suggests, it chiefly deals with the Vedanta philosophy and its different aspects, including Vedanta as a factor in civilization, influence of Vedanta, place of privilege in this philosophy, and the different steps in the march towards the highest Vedantic vision. An important book for all the students of Vedanta eager to learn the different implications and aspects of this philosophy in brief.Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Languages: English |
Swami Vivekananda: Prophet of the Modern Age
Author: Marie Louise Burke Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages: English |
Mahima Tava Udbhashita
Author: Pravrajika Vedantaprana Publisher: Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Languages: Bengali |
My India, the India Eternal
‘Our love for India came to birth, I think, when we first heard him say the word, “India”, in that marvellous voice of his. It seems incredible that so much could have been put into one small word of five letters. There was love, passion, pride, longing, adoration, tragedy, chivalry, and again love. Whole volumes could not have produced such a feeling in others. It had the magic power of creating love in those who heard it. – Sister Christine ‘Author: Swami Vivekananda Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission, Golpark Languages: English, Hindi, Bengali |
My Life and Mission
This lecture was delivered by Swami Vivekananda in California. It gives a vivid picture of how his great heart bled for the suffering millions of India and also his plan for the uplift of his motherland to the position of her past glory. In these pages the reader also finds the great Swami speaking so poignantly about himself his inner struggle and sorrow. A must for all those who want to feel the charm and force of Swamiji’s thoughts. Author: Swami Vivekananda Language:English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Kolkata |
It is in love that religion exists and not in the ceremony, in the pure and sincere love in the heart. Unless a man is pure in body and mind, his coming into a temple and worshipping Shiva is useless. The prayers of those that are pure in mind and body will be answered by Shiva, and those that are impure and yet try to teach religion to others will fail in the end. External worship is only a symbol of internal worship, but internal worship and purity are the real things. Without them, external worship would be of no avail. Therefore, you must all try to remember this .
Author: Swami Srikantananda Language: English
Publisher: Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence |
Swami Vivekananda: The Charm of His Personality and Message
This volume is the book form of the special edition of the Vedanta Kesari brought out in December 2013 to commemorate the 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. The volume contains inspiring and learned articles from people from various walks of life perceiving Swami Vivekananda as a great saint, thinker, scholar, educationist, organizer, nationalist, traveler, writer, poet, musician, cultural ambassador of India etc.Author: Swami Atmashraddhananda Language: English
Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
The book is the biography of Swami Ashokananda, a disciple of Swami Vivekananda, an eminent monk of the Ramakrishna Order This beautifully produced book is a labour of love. Sister Gargi (Marie Louise Burke), well known for her works on Swami Vivekananda, was initiated by and served Swami Ashokananda for the last years of his life. It tells the story of an extraordinary life of dedication, wholehearted and complete dedication to the mission started by Swami Vivekananda on behalf of Sri Ramakrishna. Highly readable and deeply inspiring.
Author: Sister Gargi (Marie Louise Burke) Language: English
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata |
Based on Swami Vivekananda’s Message Entrepreneurship is not about making money alone at the market place. Gone are the old methods of capitalists bringing money and exploit labour/ employees to make highest profits and such profits and such companies are bankrupts today.With many professional management institutions coming up in India.many youngsters are getting a wider exposure in Entrepreneurship Principles. Over the decades there is a sea change in the principles and practices of entrepreneurship. A great change is happening across the world and Swami Vivekananda’s message of ‘Karma Yoga’ is finding its roads into all enterprise , in the form of ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’.
Author: A.R.K.Sarma Language: English Publisher: Sri Sarada Book House. |
Modern man tossed up and down the tempest of worldly duties and responsibilities is many a times not surprisingly found to be dejected and depressed. He desperately tries to take hold of some external prop to once again stand on his feet. This booklet is packed with electrifying thoughts which have the power to lift up every drooping soul back to its state of inherent power and strength. These very vigorous words of Swami Vivekananda have been instrumental in bringing about a drastic awakening in the collective and the individual minds and in boosting them to move ahead with tremendous confidence towards the goal.Author: Swami Vivekananda Language: English
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Kolkata |
How to Shape the Personality
Exploring the dimensions of building up a healthy personality.
Book Review:
Personality development is the key to all progress and happiness. Swami Vivekananda said, ‘Men, men these are wanted; everything else will be ready’. In other words, he wanted men with a well-developed personality, full of all noble virtues such as sincerity, unselfishness and purity of heart. How to Shape the Personality describes various aspects, methods and ways of Personality Development. Contains 30 thought-provoking articles by monks and lay writers, actively involved in teaching and implementing different aspects of Personality Development.Author: A Vedanta Kesari Presentation Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
Swami Vivekananda’s Childhood
Though many biographies of Vivekananda have been published, this one focuses mainly on his childhood, with glimpses of his growth into a youngster. When one reads this book, one will learn two things about him: First, as a child Naren had many of the experiences that other children have, yet at the same time one can see what an extraordinary individual he was. Second, one will learn how the child Naren was transformed into the personality later known as Swami Vivekananda. Also included is a brief account of Swarniji’s accomplishments in his later life, along with his special message to young people. Author: Sri Pronabesh Chakraborty Language: English
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama, kolkata |
I am a Voice Without a Form
The Voice of Vivekananda is as vibrant as his radiant Form. The thoughts of this Prophet of modern spiritual renaissance are more relevant today than ever before. His electrifying message of the divinity of man, of peace and harmony emerging from the realized and realizable Truths of Vedanta, uniting mankind with the silken thread of shared faith, is no longer the luxury of a few blessed souls, but is a sheer necessity for the survival of humanity itself. Author: Swami Srikantananda Language: English Publisher: Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence |
Josephine Macleod And Vivekananda’s Mission
This book is a biography of Josephine Macleod, but interwoven with it is Vivekananda’s Vedantic mission. One will find in this book religion, philosophy and mysticism; manners, customs, and cultures of the East and West. Linda Prugh, the author of this book, worked extremely hard to research and document in detail the early history of the Ramakrishna Movement in West as well as in the East. Author: Linda Prugh Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
Monastic disciples of Swami Vivekananda
In the thirteen short biographies the book contains the author brings alive a galaxy of Swami Vivekananda’s principal monastic disciples and shows how, through their spiritual practices and devoted service of God-in-man, they exemplified the neo-monastic ideal. In addition, through the stories of these disciples we get new glimpses of Swamiji’s extraordinary personality and also see him as a loving spiritual trainer of monks. A book sure to inspire one and all.Author: Swami Abjajananda Language:English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata |
Life after Death
Perhaps no other subject has haunted the human mind right from the hoary past with such unerring consistency like the one regarding life and death. Is man mortal or immortal? What is reincarnation? What happens when a man dies? Every man is forced to ask these questions at some juncture of his life. This booklet provides brief but clear answers to these fundamental questions. Author: Swami Vivekananda Language: English
Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Kolkata |
Alasinga Perumal
In his letter to Alasinga Perumal dated 11th July, 1894, Swami Vivekananda wrote: ‘Life is short! Give it up to a great cause’.As the acharya, so the shishya! Their coming together and working together in tandem is a golden page in the social history of India.This well-planned biography by Swami Sunirmalananda.This text is a life-sketch of an extraordinary individual who played a pivotal role in Swami Vivekananda’s visit to the West and his subsequent participation in the first World Parliament of Religions held in Chicago in 1893. Alasinga Perumal first met Swamiji in 1892 in Madras where Swamiji had come as a wandering monk. Their meeting grew into deep mutual appreciation and the result was a lifelong association. Author: Swami Sunirmalananda Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai |
Vivekananda Reader
This book consists of a cross-representative selection from the complete works of Swami Vivekananda which would give some idea of the vastness of Swamiji’s mind. The selections have been condensed using only the words of Vivekananda himself, in order to give a concise yet complete flow of his ideas. The commemoration of the 150th birthday of Swami Vivekananda has brought a rich fare of attractive gifts from Ramakrishna Math. Vivekananda Reader stands out as a fine compendium of Swamiji’s teachings.The compiler has brought together the significant teachings of Vivekananda. Author: Swami Narasimhananda Language: English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata |
Practise Handwriting – Vol 5
Practise Handwriting work book with Swami Vivekananda’s Sayings
Handwriting shows the character of a person. Parents and teachers wish the handwriting of the students to be beautiful, neat & legible. While learning to have good hand, of the writing matter is also good how nice it would be! Handwriting and character building will go hand in hand.These series of practise handwriting books are such an effort. And very useful for our budding children.Author: A Compilation Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
Vivekananda’s Influence on Subhas
The book is an attempt to spread the ideals of Swami Vivekananda which inspired men like Subhash Chandra Bose to court hardship and make great sacrifices to make India a great nation.Author: Nanda Mookerjee Language: English
Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture |
Swami Vivekananda on Indian Philosophy and Literature
This volume contains its author’s lectures at the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture in his capacity as the Institute’s Vivekananda Professor of Indology and Indological Research. The author deals with Swami Vivekananda’s approach to four of our six systems of philosophy and his obsevations are based on Swamiji’s references to them available in the eight volumes of his Complete Works. As a supplement to this material the author deals with Swami Vivekananda’s ideas of comparative religion, his response to Western Indology, Western philosophy and his view of history are here discussed perhaps for the first time in some detail. Swami Vivekananda on Indian Philosophy and Literature |
Swami Vivekananda and Erasing of the Dividing Line
This is a deeply insightful piece of writing by Swami Ranganathanandaji, the late thirteenth President of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. Originally titled ‘Swami Vivekananda and the Future of India’, this article was written on that fateful day, 15 August 1947, and contributed to the Pakistan Independence Day special issue of The Daily Gazette of Karachi, Pakistan. In these pages is evident the loftiness of the Swami’s historical vision, and its relevance stands undimmed even after six decades. The ‘Dividing Line’ refers to the visible and invisible factors that gave rise to the Two-Nation theory at the time of independence. The seed of this theory had been planted insidiously by the British Government in the minds of the Muslim leaders, some of them being prominent members of the Indian National Congress.Author: Swami Ranganathananda Language: English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata |
Tolstoy and Swami Vivekanada
‘Dr A. P. Gnatyuk-Danil’chuk, Prof of Bengali Language and Literature, Moscow University, gave a lecture in Bengali on ‘Tolstoy and Vivekananda’ at the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of culture, Calcutta in December 1985, which was highly appreciated by audience. An English ocean of this lecture case now brought out in the form of this booklet. Author: Dr. A.P. Gnatyuk Danil Chuk Language: English Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Kolkata |
Meditation on Swami Vivekananda
Great personages like Swami Vivekananda are born rarely; their lives and words are simple but so profound and powerful that deep thought and meditation on even a small incident or idea will suffice to transform a person totally. To understand the spirit of Swamiji’s life and words, we need proper attention and deep thinking. This book is an attempt by Swami Tathagatananda to inspire the readers to understand Swamiji and his universal ideas.Author: Swami Tathagatananda Language:English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata |
Vivekanandar Illam (History of Illam with Illustrations)
A comprehensive account of Swami Vivekananda’s nine-day stay at the Ice House/Castle Kernan (now called Vivekanandar Illam-the Tamil word for a house; ‘Vivekananda House’) after his triumphal return in 1897, followed by the founding of Chennai Sri Ramakrishna Math there and the hardships and challenges Swami Ramakrishnananda underwent during the initial years.Vivekanandar Illam located on the picturesque Marina beach road in Chennai-now houses a ‘Permanent Exhibition on Indian Culture and Swami Vivekananda’, maintained by the Ramakrishna Math, and is a source of inspiration to thousands of people who visit it every year. The room where Swamiji stayed in the Illam is used as a meditation hall.Author: Swami Atmashraddhananda Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
Vivekananda: The Great Spiritual Teacher
What is it about Swami Vivekananda that makes him a great spiritual teacher ? The obvious answer would be his spiritual realizations. But other great saints, too, have had such spiritual experiences and yet have not become world famous or made the kind of impact that the Swami did. The answer to this question comes from his Master, Sri Ramakrishna. The Swami was born with a divine mission. What that mission was, how the Swami fulfilled it, how he lived his life – these are some of the subjects dealt with in the thirty-nine illuminating articles of this volume. A highly valuable anthology for all the lovers of the great Swami.Author: A Compilation Language: English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Kolkata |
Great Thinkers on Ramakrishna Vivekananda
In 1983 Swami Lokeshwarananda brought out a small book titled World Thinkers on Ramakrishna – Vivekananda. After several reprints, a revised edition of this well-known book was brought out in 2007. The present book is its second revised edition, with many additions and an improved organization of matter.Ramakrishna and Vivekananda are two aspects of the same truth. While Sri Ramakrishna was an infinite storehouse of spirituality, Swamiji broadcast this precious treasure to one and all.
Author: A Compilation Language: English Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Kolkata |
The Life of Swami Vivekananda Vol – 1 (Deluxe)(Total 2 Volumes)
This book provides the most exhaustive and authentic life of Swami Vivekananda. It provides the most reliable account of a man who not only lived an inspired life but was constantly a source of inspiration to others. Says C. Rajagopalachari: ‘Swami Vivekananda saved Hinduism and saved India’. But for him, we would have lost our religion and would not have gained our freedom. We therefore owe everything to Swami Vivekananda.Author: Eastern and Western Disciples Language: English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata |
The Life of Swami Vivekananda Vol – 2 (Deluxe)
This book provides the most exhaustive and authentic life of Swami Vivekananda. It provides the most reliable account of a man who not only lived an inspired life but was constantly a source of inspiration to others. Says C. Rajagopalachari: ‘Swami Vivekananda saved Hinduism and saved India’. But for him, we would have lost our religion and would not have gained our freedom. We therefore owe everything to Swami Vivekananda.Author: Eastern and Western Disciples
Language: English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Kolkata |
Clarion Call of Swamiji: A Set of Six Books
This set contains the following list of books.
1. Swami Vivekananda- Awakener of Modern India.
2. Vivekananda Writes to You.
3. Vivekananda Speaks to You.
4. Swami Vivekananda- His Life and Legacy.
5. Voice of Vivekananda.
6. Thus Spake Vivekananda.
7. Photos of Swamiji.
Author: Swami Vivekananda Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
The Four Yogas of Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda’s writings are of such inspirational quality that the ordinary reader is apt to miss the main trend of his thoughts. This handy digest is meant to stimulate the reader to go to Vivekananda’s original works with a better understanding of their thought structure. It’s a doorway to the splendid literature of one of the greatest philosopher-saints of the modern age.Author: Swami Tapasyananda Language: English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama Kolkata |
Revolutionary Ideas of Swami Vivekananda
Vivekananda was never a revolutionary in the political sense of the term. He rejected politics as an instrument of national or human improvement and this necessarily involved a rejection of the whole idea of a political revolution for a social change. But he had a philosophy of revolution rooted in a philosophy of history and particularly contemplated an Indian revolution which would be true to the genius of Indian history.Author: R.K. DasGupta
Language: English Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture |
Deriving inspiration from Swamiji’s exhortation that the highest philosophy must be put in concrete moral forms so that anyone can grasp, Swami Vimurtananda, under the pseudonym of Bamatimaithan, had written several stories that were published in Sri Ramakrishna Vijayam, the Tamil monthly of the Math.This book is a compilation and English translation of 25 such stories. The valuable teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda which are most relevant to the modern age are rendered in form of these stories so that anyone would be able to imbibe them and enrich their personal and social lives. Author: Swami Vimurtananda Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
The Story of Vivekananda Rock Memorial
Author: Shri Eknath Ranade Language: English Publisher: Vivekananda Kendra Prakashan Trust |
Ramakrishna’s Naren And Naren’s Ramakrishna
Author: Swami Budhananda Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
Vivekananda and Indian Freedom
Prof Hiren Mukherjee is a much respected name among the scholars, is an orator par excellence and a distinguished parliamentarian. Prof Mukherjee gave to lectures in the year 1985 at Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, and he spoke on the theme ‘Vivekananda and Indian Freedom’.’As we all know, Swami Vivekananda was the first to infuse the spirit of revolt into the Indian mind, revolt not only against political subjugation, but against all kinds of social evils and exploitation. He was also the first to give the call to work among the masses where the real power of the nation lay. There can be no doubt that he was a forerunner of those who, following in his steps, later fought and brought’ is a subject much talked about, but what Prof Mukherjee said was amazingly refreshing.Author: Hiren Mukherjee Language: English
Publisher: Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Kolkata. |
Swami Vivekananda: The Known Philosopher The Unknown Poet
All great mystics have been great poets. Swamiji says in his ‘Memoirs of European Travels’ that every good poet is a Vedantin e.g. Goethe, Schiller and Lamartine. The beauty in nature is only
the partial expression of the real all-embracing divine beauty. His poetry is the symbolic and lyrical expression of the innate beauty of the individual and the Divine Self. Swamiji’s poems have been analysed by Radhika Nagarath more from the philosophic standpoint than from the poetic angle.This book reveals the poetic genius of Swami Vivekananda.Author: Radhika Nagrath Language: English Publisher: Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata |
Glimpses of Swami Vivekananda’s Heroic Struggle
In Bhagavata, Bhishma observed about the Pandavas thus: ‘How strange that danger should stalk the fortunes of a family that has the son of Dharma as its head, that has got the protection of Bhima and Arjuna, and above all Sri Krishna as their ally! None can know the will of that Supreme Being.’ This book echoes similar sentiments about Swami Vivekananda highlighting the problems, criticisms, and other hardships that he faced during his life to fulfil his mission. It also elaborates how he handled such adversities with strength and courage.We will be enriched by Swami Vivekananda’s experience Illustrated here and could also follow them when faced with similar situations in our life.
Author: Swami Tathagatananda Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai |
Patanjali Yoga Suttirangal
Swami Vivekananda’s classes in English on Patanjali Yoga sutras are brought out in this Tamil book format.
The text includes Patanjali Yoga sutras in Sanskrit with each sutra followed by Tamil transliteration and Tamil translation of the sutra and Swamijis authoritative and insightful explanation.Author:Swami Vivekananda Language: Tamil, Enlgish Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
Holy Trio and Their Mission
Based on the short monographs Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother and Swami Vivekananda and direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna by Swami Bhajanananda, one of the Assistant Secretaries of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. Originally meant for Belur Math website (, these essays place the subject quite contextually. Narrated in a lucid style, the book also has additional matter from other writings of the author.Author: Swami Bhajanananda
Language:English, Tamil Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai |
Swami Vivekananda Epoch Maker Spiritual Leader
Today’s world is torn by the fundamentalist aggression, consumerist greed ending in cut-throat economic competition, and frustration and peacelessness arising out of a sensate culture. People all over the world are in search of peace, stability, amity among religions, and individual freedom in a sustainable society. All this can come only under the right kind of leadership. In this global civilisation, we need leaders who are universal in approach, all- embracing in religious outlook, rational and humanistic in thinking, and above all spiritual in vision. All great leaders are products of great philosophy. India’s universal- rational-humanistic Vedanta culture has given rise to spiritual and epochal heroes like Buddha, Ashoka, Guru Nanak, Shankaracharya, and most ‘recently Swami Vivekananda’.Author: Swami Jitatmananda Language: English Publisher: Ramakrishna Ashrama Rajkot |
Swami Vivekananda (Pictorial)
These are large colorful books which contains a comic presentation of the life stories of Swami Vivekananda on some of selected events suitable to read to young children or for slightly older children to read for themselves.Author: Swami Raghaveshananda Language: English Publisher: Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai (206) |