Natural Remedies for Fever
Remove bark from Amrutha Balli stem (Tinospora Cordifolia) asnd crush 8” long stem to make decoction. Take a cup 3
times a day for 3 days.
Crush fistful of Justicia Adhatoda leaves and keep in a cup of hot water for 15 minutes. and strain. Take half a cup of
infusion in the morning and evening for 3 days.
Take five petalled variety of Hibiscus flowers. Let 4 flowers set in 1 pint of cool water. Take this water thrice daily for 3 days.
Crush ¼ cup of Hemidesmus Indicus (Sogadeberu in Kannada) roots and keep in a cup of water overnight. Take this in
the morning and evening for 3 days.
Crush 3”x3” piece of Neem bark and make hot infusion. Take a cup in the morning, noon and night for 3 days.
MIX Wheat bran, Black Pepper and Rock salt. Boil them in water and strain. Take at night before sleep.
Squeeze half a spoonful juice from Basil leaves. Mix it with a teaspoonful of honey and take three times a day.
Soak Methi (fenugreek) seeds in water or 5 hours and boil for 2 minutes. take one cup per day.
Crush Holy Basil leaves and black Pepper and take with tea. Take three times a day.
Natural Remedies for Fever