Natural Remedies for Voice Problem
Avoid cooling food stuff. Take plenty of Tulsi, Mint, Jyeshtamad and Lesser Galangal (Chittarattai in Tamil).
To treat hoarseness, take a little Asafoetida with water twice a day.
Put Pepper powder in water. Warm it and gargle four times a day.
Powder Dry Ginger, Tail Pepper, Hippili and Harda in equal quantities and take with honey. This is an ideal medicine for singers.
Peas are rich in Vit. A and C and Protein. Throat problems get cured by using them. Take Amla powder daily.
Shangeer powder (Hindi) – ½ tsp. Jyeshtamad (Licorice) – ½ tsp. Mix them and keep a small portion under the tongue like Lozenges. Repeat 2-3 times in a day till the voice improves.
Squeeze Lemon juice in warm water and drink. Also gargle with this.
For singers and speakers, throat gets sore due to excessive use. Roast 2 Cloves in fire directly and chew. Alternately powder and boil in water. Gargle this. Continue twice or thrice a day.
Chew ¼ tsp. Hippili powder and drink cow milk. Alternately, mix it with honey and take. Take it twice a day for 2 days.
Boil Neem flowers in water and swallow the steam by mouth. Repeat twice or thrice.
Cook raw Banana (Balekai in Kannada; Vazhi kai in Tamil) and eat to reduce excess salivation.
Eat Tulsi leaves regularly.
Regular intonation of “OM” opens up the voice box and makes the voice attractive.
Natural Remedies for Voice Problem