Taking boiled Apples 3 to 4 times a day for a few days produces hatred in the minds of even habitual drunkards for
all sorts of intoxicating substances. A similar effect is seen by the use of Falsa, Date or Pomegranate.
Mix 2 or 3 pinches of Alum with Radish juice and make the person drink to get rid of hangovers.
Soak Banyan leaves in water for some time and filter. Add honey and drink. It also purifies blood.
Grind Neem leaves with Lemon juice, apply on head and wash off.
Agase soppu – Juice, soup, curry, etc. to get rid of Nicotine from lungs.
Endowed with Vitamin B6, Potassium and Magnesium, the Banana helps the body pick up from the effects of nicotine
Wheatgrass juice.
Blue radiation on forehead and temples for 15minutes a day.
Green radiation on neck for 10 minutes.
When the urge to smoke is severe, chew a piece of Jyeshthamad and with will power you can get rid of the temptation.
Sunflower seeds can also be chewed.
Some patients have discovered that acupuncture treatment has been of inestimable help in reducing or ending their
Nicotine addiction, so much that they cut back or quit
smoking entirely.
Once someone stops smoking, he may purify his lungs by drinking Cucumber juice blended with Coriander seeds daily
for 3 months.
Eat Carrots and Agase soppu (Kannada) weekly twice separately to get rid of Nicotine.
Keep chewing dry Grapes whenever the desire arises. It also nullifies Nicotine’s effects.
Boil Ajwain seeds with cardamom powder in water. Filter and cool and store. 200 ml of this decoction is taken along
with meals twice a day .This will help a person to regain his health and give up the habits. (250 gm of ajwain can be
mixed with 5 gm of cardamom in 1 liter of water).
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