Face Packs
Soak a handful of Bengalgram at night. In the morning, grind it, add a little milk and Lemon juice. Apply on face. Wash off when dry.
A handful of white Mustard seeds should be roasted in a little Sesame or Coconut oil. Drain and cool it. Apply this oil with a little water over face before going to bed. It will help cure pimples.
Mix Barley powder, Lemon juice and Milk. Apply on areas exposed to sunlight. Keep doing this for a long time to get rid of the black colour due to sunlight.
A tea made from the pale blue flowers of Chicory (Kasini) plant is a skin beautifier.
Powder Harda, Neem leaves, Mango tree bark, Pomegranate flowers and Jasmine leaves. Mix in equal quantities and prepare fine paste by adding required quantity of Rose water. Apply on the face or body and massage gently for 10 minutes. wash with lukewarm water. It works wonders.
A beauty tincture can be made by filling as green glass jar with fresh spring water, adding a Cat’s Eye gemstone and leaving this in the sun for 3 to 6 hours. Then, remove the stone. Wash your face with the water every day and wear the stone.
Mix 1 tsp.Fenugreek seeds’ powder with a little Butter. Massage on face.
Wash off after 5 mts.with warm water. Within a week, the skin gets rid
of its dryness.
Banana or Avocado pulp can be applied on the face once a week.
As soon as you get up, take 10 drops of Gingilly oil in your palm and add 10 drops of water to it. Mix well rubbing between your palms till it froths. Apply on the face starting from the bottom of the face to the top. Wash with Moong dal powder.
Powder Black Jeera (Cummin Seeds) and add Olive oil. Soak for a few minutes. apply over the face. Leave for 15 minutes. Wash the face with Gram flour.
Mix 10 drops of Sesame oil (Til oil) with 10 drops of Coconut oil + 5 drops each of Neem and Lemon oil. Store it in a dark glass bottle with a dropper. Mix 3 drops of this + 6 drops of pure water in your palm. While your skin is still wet, rinse with water, gently massage this mixture well over the face and neck regions for about one minute or until the skin absorbs all the essential oils.
Eat fruits that are in bright colours like apples, oranges, tomatoes and carrots for glowing skin. This is nature’s secret.
A strong, short brew of Fennel may be prepared, cooled and then mixed with a teacup of Yoghurt and a little honey. This may be applied as a face pack to rejuvenate the skin.
Drink Nannaari soaked water daily.
Drink White Radish and Carrot juice atleast twice a week. They contain Vit. A and also act as diuretics, flushing out toxins from the system.
Wash the face with Cumin boiled water and then apply a paste of black and white Cumin seeds in milk cream as a pack to clear and promote complexion.