Gargle with the leaves’ decoction of Jamun tree.
Add the juice of half a lemon to a cup of water. Rub a piece of Sandalwood with water on a sand stone. Collect quarter tsp of Sandal paste and mix it with lemon water. Use it as mouth wash to strengthen gums, to remove foul smell from the mouth and to prevent ulcers in the mouth.
Vervain (Rough Chaff Plant, Prickly Chaff Plant; Uttaranee in Kannada Nayuruvi in Tamil) is a good Mouthwash for infected gums.
Aloe gel can be rubbed on the gums for all sorts of gum problems.
Add enough Onions in your diet to prevent tooth decay.
Basil leaves should be dried in sun and powdered. Use this to brush the teeth. It can also be mixed with Mustard oil to make a paste and used as toothpaste. It helps maintain dental health and counteract foul smell. It is also useful in pyorrhoea and other tooth disorders.
Keep chewing a Clove. It strengthens the gums.
Parai tree (Tamil) (Streblus Asper Lour) stems can be used as a toothbrush to prevent pus in the gums.
Mix Pepper powder and common salt and use as a toothpowder.