Natural Remedies for Blood Purification
- Mookkirattai (Punarnava) fresh root can be used. It gives Punar Janma. Take 2 tsp of Castor oil. Roast the roots in it on a light fire. Take a teaspoon of this oil on empty stomach. Single dose is enough. It cures skin problems due to allergies.
- Take ripe Papaya, Gorakhmundi, Figs, big, dry Raisins or seedless Munnaka and boil them in 4 liters of water. When it is reduced to ¼ part, strain. Add ½ Kg of Sugar candy to make into a syrup form. When cool, preserve in a bottle. Have 5 to 10 gms. of this every morning and evening according to age and weight.
- Soak 1 part of Saffron in 80 parts of water. Filter. Drink 50 to 100 ml. per dose.
- Eat 5 to 7 black pepper grains powdered and mixed with a tsp. of unsalted butter and then drink a cup of warm milk or herbal tea. Do this for 48 days on empty stomach.
- Drink Bittergourd juice on empty stomach weekly twice.
- Add ½ gm. of Alum ash to 100 gms of Whey. Drink once a day.
- Eat ripe Papaya as it destroys all the germs naturally.
- Eat Beladahannu (Woodapple) daily in season.
- Take Pomegranate daily.
- Take Oranges daily.
- Extract juice out of Drumstick leaves. Mix with milk and drink.
- Manjishtha is probably the best alteration or blood purifying herb. It cools and detoxifies the blood, arrests hemorrhage, dissolves obstructions in blood flow and removes stagnant blood.
- Turmeric takes away the blood impurities through sweat and urine.
- Plantain stem juice is very effective cleanser.
- Onions look like the body’s cells. Today’s research shows onions help clear waste materials from all of the body cells. Garlic also helps eliminate waste materials and dangerous free radicals from the body.
Ashwagandha – 1 part; Cinnamon – ½ part; Tulsi – a little; Mix everything. Boil. Infuse for 15 minutes. Filter. Add jaggary and milk. Drink in the mornings to get rid of phlegm, cough and to increase the resistance power.
Apan Mudra should be practised daily.
Natural Remedies for Blood Purification