Natural Remedies for Rheumatism
Dehydration in joints is the primary cause of rheumatism.
In acute cases, take Blue or Green solarized water and light on affected parts for thirty minutes. In chronic cases, take Lemon color or Orange color radiation. Never use Blue clothing over the joints or Blue slippers.
The semi precious gemstones Garnet, Fire Opal and Carnelian can be kept on the knees for 15 to 30 minutes daily.
Apply a poultice of the slightly warmed Adulsa leaves on fresh wounds, rheumatic joints and swellings.
A decoction made up of a tsp. each of Tinospora and Dry Ginger is very useful in Rheumatic pain. Drink an ounce before meals twice a day.
The crushed rhizome Calamus should be applied on joints.
A tablespoon of Pepper powder fried in Sesame oil until it is charred, can be applied beneficially as an analgesic liniment for Rheumatic pains.
Tamraind leaves are am anti-inflammatory medicine and so is highly beneficial in the prevention and treatment of arthritis, rheumatism and gout. The leaves should be crushed with water and made into a poultice. This poultice can be applied externally over the inflamed joints and ankles with beneficial results. This will reduce swelling and pain.
A Clove may be chewed twice daily.
Long Pepper can be taken internally and applied externally as a liniment.
A Nutmeg coarsely powdered and fried in Til oil until all the particles become brown, is very useful as an external application to relieve rheumatic pains, neuralgia and sciatica. The oil should be cooled and strained before application. ONLY EXTERNAL APPLICATION.
Grind a handful of Tulsi (Basil)leaves with 5 or 6 Pepper corns into a paste. Add a tablespoonful of ghee. Take this in the mornings and evenings to cure pain caused by rheumatism. This should be continued for 20 days.
Fry a handful of chopped raw Ginger in 100ml coconut oil. Store. Massage the aching part with this oil. Extract juice from fresh Ginger. Mix it with an equal quantity of honey. Take 1 tablespoon of it in the mornings. Continue as long as needed.
Place ½ cup of Rosemary leaves and ½ tsp. of oil of Cloves in a cup of vegetable oil. Simmer gently for 20 minutes. Strain well and bottle. Rub onto the joints.
Natural Remedies for Rheumatism