Natural Remedies for Baldness
Lack of Vit.B6 lack of Folic acid cause baldness.
Mudakkathan leaves can be ground and boiled in coconut oil and applied.
Applying Garlic juice on the bald head and leaving it to dry 3 times a day for a few weeks will improve hair growth.
In a number of cases, baldness has responded to Blue light on the scalp for 15 minutes a day.
Starting stage baldness can be cured with the application of Mehandi hair oil for a long time.
Licorice is valuable in patchy baldness where it is not due to hereditary factors. Small pieces of the root should be ground in milk with a pinch of Saffron to get a paste. This paste should be heated in oil, till charred and applied over the bald patches every night before going to bed. The hair grows within a few weeks.
Heat ¼ ltr Cocout oil. Boil handful of Mehdni flowers in it till red. Filter. Boil one more handful of flowers till red. Filter. Use this to stimulate thick hair growth.
Natural Remedies for Baldness